Western day

Started by martin goddard, January 28, 2025, 10:58:37 AM

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martin goddard

We have not had a Western day for along time.
Sean's work reminds us.
Any interest in it as a battle day soon?
I do like Western.

martin :)

Sean Clark

Yes please.

As it stands I'll be down for either Beschhead or AK day in March. As its AK at both days, I teams I get to play a bit of AK!

Stewart 46A

I would vote for
March. AK47
April. Sci-fi
May.   Western
Jun.   SCW
July.  Vikings
Aug.   C&K
Sep.   PITs
Oct.   AWI
Nov.   ECW


Sean Clark

That's a good spread of games.

Sci fi might be tricky in April. I appreciate you can use whatever figures you want, but that's the same with any playtesting. If we all use whatever we have with whatever scenery we have it won't look very Scifi-ey.

Stewart 46A

Martin and I have a table set up and two armies each
It's more of a play test day so 4 players per table should be fine


martin goddard

No problems.
I can even scenery and army a second table.

martin :)

Sean Clark

Smiley Miley 66

I like the sound of Western day ? I ve got US Army-Cavalry (ACW and upwards !)and Confederate Army/Cavalry.
I had spare figures from doing my ACW many different manufacturers( before knowing Martin and PP ) so during the Pandemic years I used them up to make the above armies ! Mighty proud of them I am !
I will get to do my Indians and Cowboys ? Also Mexicans if you count the MexRev figures ?


for Sci-fi, i will have 2 armies by april, and can get a board of terrain (it's on my to-do list for this year anyway) sorted if more is needed.


Sean Clark

Crikey Ben. Good going!

martin goddard

Marvellous work Ben.What colour is your planet surface going to be.
I think Stewart is going for a red colour? 
I fancy pink.
Each colour will be a new challenge.

martin :)