Figure rebase

Started by Leman (Andy), January 07, 2018, 08:05:04 PM

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Leman (Andy)

A couple of additional thoughts on using figures individually. I find that in most cases the bigger the battle the smaller the figures I tend to use. However, when it comes to small actions I do like to give my figures some room to manoeuvre, particularly in the post-1900 period.
Elsewhere I had mentioned that I had earmarked my Belgium 1914 collection of mostly PP figures for smaller actions using If The Lord Spares Us. Unfortunately these proved unworkable for me, but I have since discovered at least three other possibilities, i.e. Tin Soldiers in Action, Contemptible Little Armies and Crush the Kaiser - Home by Christmas. All three were conceived for use with 28mm figures, and very spectacular they are with matching scenery and a 12'x5'/6' table. Three years ago I saw a 28mm section of the Mons battlefield at Derby- fantastic, but not in my wargames room. The obvious answer to me, to catch the magic of the individual figure, with all the additional paraphernalia of motor cars, radios, runners, the grumpy NCO, the haughty ADC and the company dog, was 15mm, particularly PP with the additional heads to provide even more variety and individuality.
I have had a practice rebase of some of my Belgian infantry onto round MDF using the 3,2,1 system mentioned in The Pikeman's Lament and have come up with the following company, using the army tables from Crush the Kaiser - an officer, a NCO and three infantry on individual 15mm round bases, two pairs of infantry on 20mm round bases and one 25mm round base with three infantry on it. This makes a CtC company of officer, NCO and ten men. It looks pretty good too. However I am most likely to use the Contemptible Little Armies rules with this organisation on a 6x4 table.


I am often torn on basing myself. I want to be able to play PP games at the club, but in my heart I feel that figures should be individually based. For example I am currently painting pirates and similar era government/trader troops and have based them individually so that they will fit on the decks of my ships, 3x3cm bases are just too big for this. Also I have a lot of Romans and Celts that are individually based.
I wish that there was a way to then take those and put them on larger bases of different shapes and sizes for different games rather than having to have numerous armies for the same force but different games.

Colonel Kilgore

I once played around with the idea of having individually-based PP figures on 3x3 cm "sabots". Something like the Warbases MDF trays for 2p coin-based groups. The washers I used were a little too big to fit 3 figures onto the same base, but it was close.

It may even be feasible with smaller washers and magnetic sheet for the actual 3x3 base, with a bit of flock stuck into the gaps for aesthetics?


I thought about using that magnetic strip stuff on bases and the 1p coins unusually use for single figure basing (not all 1ps are magnetic so you have to be careful.) But they are just a little too big then to fit onto a 3x3 cm base, especially if you are doing dark ages or ECW when four or even five figures are needed.

Leman (Andy)

I suppose it depends who your opponents tend to be, but my Square Bashing armies are 10mm figures on 25mm bases and my Civil War Battles troops are on 30x20 bases (which I count as a half base) thus a casualty is a base, rather than having to remember half bases. Currently only Bloody Barons are on 30x30.

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: Duncan on January 08, 2018, 03:09:14 PM
I thought about using that magnetic strip stuff on bases and the 1p coins unusually use for single figure basing

I use 8mm PSP washers for singly-based figures / cactuses and suchlike.

There are quite a bit smaller than 1p coins, but still a tad too big for a 3x3 base. You could go for 6mm washers...?

Leman (Andy)

I prefer to use mdf circular bases these days as they hold paint and basing material better, are a cleaner base and they don't chip paint when the inevitable bump into another figure takes place.

Colonel Kilgore

All very good points.

In favour of washers are their low price, thinness, heft and magnetism.

The chipping is the major problem for me: at least storing them individually on magnetic sheet reduces that.

NTM (Nigel)

I'm pretty much sold on the 3 2 1system too.
Single figures on 20mm disc 2 on 30mm disc or 32x25mm and 3 on 30x30mm. I do chop and change a bit if I think an alternative looks better though. Use mdf for all my bases these days too.

Colonel Kilgore

Well they certainly look good in the Pikeman's Lament book - had been toying with that as an excuse to buy some of the rather lovely PP ECW figures without the time and expense of a full Regiment of Foote army. Have got me some generals so far...


The Ion Age website offers 8 different troop element bases, which could be useful:

Colonel Kilgore

Leslie BT

Warbases will also make anything to your requirements.
Just decide on the units size, the number of bases, the arrangement of the bases, the size and shape of the current bases and send it to Warbases for a price.

Colonel Kilgore

Yup - I've found them fast and friendly.

They also do markers for Square Bashing in both MDF and various colours of plastic. I got them to make me up a custom set for MOCB too, so it's not just bases!


My ECW dragoons are based on Warbases 1p bases, with a 3x2 figure movement tray. Look in eye candy board for link (sorry my phone has updated and now copying and pasting links seems to be broken grrr!)