Initial AK cover

Started by martin goddard, March 07, 2025, 05:56:58 PM

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Smiley Miley 66

I think your photo with the strap would be good converted to an illustration as it looks like it being hefted in the air in Celebration !

martin goddard

The idea of the  cover is to convey a strong and simple image.
Viewers should understand the message straight away.

I prefer this type of cover style, instead of the grand battle detailed oil painting style.

If you look at road signs they are symbolic not detailed.
This is my cover style.
Instant and clear (I hope). 

martin :)

Sean Clark

It fulfills those criteria nicely.

I too like the bold colour and striking image.

Reminds of the cover of Men of Coy B which is possibly my favourite cover.

Maybe we should have poll as to our favourite RFCM cover? 😄

Colonel Kilgore

That's a good idea, Sean!

