soviet Desant company .... how does that work then?

Started by bob696, March 04, 2025, 11:29:35 AM

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Is the company still limited to 1 tank unit, if so, can only 1 infantry platoon be bought on mounted?

As the tanks initially count as transports, is it 1 platoon of tanks per platoon of infantry?

"Every tank unit must carry an infantry platoon."  Why not "The tank unit ...." ???

Am I over thinking this and the term "unit" is actually referencing a single model? (20+ guys on a single T34 is stretching it a bit)

I am confuzzeled


Way I play desant is...

While carrying troops tank is effectively a transport so max four foot bases.

My desant foot platoons are small, just 8 bases, usually veteran.

So two tanks required per platoon.

In new edition of rules there is a problem in that the whole company has to be in transports, or none. But there is a limit on tanks to one unit of four.

You can either ignore that (I do) and have a company three platoons with two tank units of three each. Or put one platoon on unit of two tanks and put the rest in halftracks or Lorries.

Note any support weapons (mortars / MMG) can't be put on a tank. They are in a lorry or half track.

martin goddard

Nigel's reply is best.

I have had a look at the desant rules in the rulebook.
The architect desant  rules are more vague.

It does say "the rest of the units in the company can choose (all or none) to be motorised or not".
This means pair off a tank unit with a foot unit. If there is only 1 tank unit then only 1 foot unit can be carried.

I think the desant rule has enough detail for games.

Desant is an optional rule. Optional rules  do change/over ride the main rules if used. Optional rules add complexity.  They are not part of PBI unless both players agree.

I would not encourage  players to use the desant rule  until  they have a firm grasp of the normal rules.
Desant was put in as an optional rule because it does complicate the game unnecessarily.

martin :) 


This was the solution I came up with.

Historical wise it was a tank company with attached infantry rather than the other way around as in other PBI lists.
There should also be some limitation on how far the infantry can go away from the tanks as their primary role was the protection of the tank not to go gallivanting off on their own mission, but that is by the by and can be explained away by the scale of the battlefield.

martin goddard

That all sounds interesting and good Bob.
Enough there for a  short article for the MILL?

I am glad that desant is an optional rule.
Desant makes the normal game too complicated for the benefits achieved.
If there was ever another PBI edition desant  would probaly be left out.

martin :)

martin :)

John Watson

So 2 T34/76s at 38 pts each is 76 pts plus PC 1 x 12 smg 6 x 7 lmg 1 x 10 is 64 pts. Each platoon will cost 140 pts as average. This means you will only get 2 platoons of 8 bases each, leaving 120 pts left for support which presumably has to have normal transport. Looks like a very small company, if quite powerful. Would be interesting to put them up against my 58 base Partisans.


I think you can squeeze 3 platoons with zero support units :-) My understanding is that they would little in the way of close support anyway. It was meant as a mobile combined arms force ... why expect to take towed guns when you have tanks? Maxims likely to be left behind ...and you have tanks!. Mdm mortars I can see a place for but would they be able to keep up? Historically, I think just core units would be the way to go.

I was pondering on the subject of the infantry priority of staying around the tanks to protect them and how to encourage/force this behaviour.
Played with the idea of some manipulation of the armoured transport rules but decided it would be too clunky. I decided a better solution would be to make the lead tank the PC. It would still allow the infantry limited scope to go off and do their own thing, such as clearing a village as they did historically, but encourage them to stay near the tanks due to potential AP loss.

Martin .... sure I can write some stuff up but not sure when. Currently, my small local group (B'ham) is concentrating on early war so not sure when I will get a chance to test anything out.

martin goddard

John Watson

If you use decant are you restricted to the 4 models or 28 gun effect rule, in the main rules? If so then you could only have a maximum of 2 platoons mounted on tanks.

Sean Clark

Also bear in mind that amongst consenting adults, you can alter, tinker, change and adapt the rules to suit your partulicular pecadillos with regard to your gaming.

Use the rules as written as a guide, but otherwise have at it!

It only really matters when and if you're playing someone at an event or competition where you should be playing the rules as written.

Enjoy! 😁


Quote from: John Watson on March 07, 2025, 03:11:32 PMIf you use decant are you restricted to the 4 models or 28 gun effect rule, in the main rules? If so then you could only have a maximum of 2 platoons mounted on tanks.
If you are using my suggested army list then no. The points, and number of infantry bases, will restrict it somewhat, but historically it was a tank heavy force (but remember no separate tank 'unit')
If using the list as written then I think you are correct and the 3rd and subsequent platoons are walking