Things that make you go aarrggghh

Started by Sean Clark, January 28, 2025, 10:14:16 PM

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Sean Clark

I love listening to history podcasts; mostly ones relevant to the RFCM span of historical  rules.

I thought I'd found a new one to me on the Spanish Civil War. This conflict is one of my favourites to read up on and game. It was a terrible time in Spains history and there is little disputing that Franco was a dictator who oversaw some terrible atrocities.

The podcast started as a bit of a discussion between the host and his guest who has written a novel set during the war. But it quickly nailed its colours to its master. Amongst other things they claimed:

1. The bombing of Guernica was a propaganda stunt by the Republicans and that it was a justified target.
2. The Republican massacres of the clergy were discussed with no mention of those by Franco ( who killed 10 times more civilians)
3. When referring to the Republicans, they used the phrase Bolsheviks and Libtards (ie liberals and retards)
4. The British were to blame for what happened because they took a neutral stance.
5. Franco had to do what he did because of the fear of the spread of communism in Western Europe.
6. George Orwell is the devil incarnate.

It turns out the novel is based on an American fighting for the Spanish Foriegn Legion (so for Franco) against the International Brigade.

I'm all for balanced discussion. Yes, the Socialists were responsible for thousands of civilian deaths. But to argue that Franco was some kind of revolutionary hero and justified in killing over 100,000 civilians is way off the mark and ignores almost all of the contemporary evidence available  to anyone with a passing interest.

I remain fascinated that Spain, a favoured holiday destination for many, was led by a Dictatorship in my life time, up until the mid 70's. Franco, having outlived both Hitler and Mussolini, clearly defined his own brand of fascism. Having said that there is a school of thought that he wasn't actually a fascist though his ministers all thought they were!

I'll stop ranting now. Thanks for listening, and good night. 

John Watson

I can imagine that the author of the book is a republican (an American one). How ironic!

Martin Smith

But with the current trend, "say it often enough, and people will start to believe it's true". Very hard to discuss this without going into politics, so I'll stop RIGHT there...😯.
You must have been gobsmacked, Sean.

martin goddard

There was nothing good about Franco or any other dictator.

martin :)

Sean Clark

Yes I'd rather not delve into politics. This is a gaming forum with sensible history discussion...which this podcast definitely  wasn't.

I'll utilise my executive powers to close the thread and leave my anger as a matter of public record 😀