25th January 2025 PBI desert

Started by martin goddard, December 18, 2024, 09:54:15 PM

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Sean Clark

I'm unsure of football commitments but if possible I'll come. I've even ordered an Italian army especially for it.

And a dispatchd notice has just come through!

martin goddard

Stewart 46A

1. Stewart- British + Table set up
2. Miles- British + table set up
3. John- Americans
4. Southampton Ben- German
5  martin- Italian
6. Weymouth Ben - Italians with feathers
7.  Mike - DAk


Smiley Miley 66

Colonel Kilgore

Is there room for me too?

I'd have to borrow some Allies to even things up (and my SCW Italians aren't quite desert-ready in any case - I need to do a few more bases and won't have time beforehand).


John Watson

I think I can lend you British Simon.

Smiley Miley 66

1. Stewart- British + Table set up
2. Miles- British + table set up
3. John- Americans
4. Southampton Ben- German
5  martin- Italian
6. Weymouth Ben - Italians with feathers
7.  Mike - DAk
8. Colin - British and Germans. Maybe a table set up if needed ?
9, Simon Allies or Axis TBC

I've taken the liberty of putting you in then Simon ? You can always excuse yourself if you can't ? I think most of us have more than enough each so we could probably put some form of a force together if needed ?
Tanks I have enough for both sides funny thing is my German force is larger than my British even though I ve only painted a few DAK figures ?
Colin did ask when (Have you got a date ?)the PBI release date is Please Martin?

Colonel Kilgore

Thanks Miles.

PBI release date is on the PP website - 1st January!


martin goddard

PBI should be out in January. Playtesters will get theirs first.


martin goddard

This is shaping up well.
Don't forget to buy a 15mm K2 ambulance from LANCER miniatures for £5.
Extra 3 victory points good enough for motivation?

I will put an ice cold in Alex poster on top of the current PBI stand poster.

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

Do we need to get in a crate of Carlsberg too?


John Watson

Bunker Miniatures have the K2Y for £3.

Colonel Kilgore

Colonel Kilgore

martin goddard

The more nee-naws the better?
Bunker miniatures is in Somerset so one could drive up and pickup a whole box?

A gamette to get continued use from them?
Stewart has sourced some red crosses too.

martin :)