Rules clarifications

Started by bob696, November 18, 2024, 08:35:05 AM

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New(ish) players having played 3 games and we keep coming up with the same questions and so I thought I would ask here :-)

1.Gifted Leader
Is this asset persistent? i.e Once you have a successful roll, you get 6AP for a square every turn? If that is the case, can you have 2 (or more) 'Gifted leaders'? Also, if persistence is the case, is it assigned to a specific PC?

2.Are hits from shooting allocated before saves are rolled?

3. Is shooting simultaneous, or do only the survivors of the initial shooting get to return the fire?

4. We have found the wording in the 'method' for assaults confusing. Line 4 states "If one side has better quality bases, then it rolls first and is allowed a re-roll." Line 5 states "Both players roll their handful of D6."
Up until reading this 'in the cold light of the day' we have played that the better quality unit rolls for hits, lower quality takes hits then lower quality rolls for hits with what is left
Reading it again, I am wondering if the rolls are effectively simultaneous BUT the better quality troops roll their dice first so that they have to make the call on a reroll without knowing how many hits the lower quality troops have obtained. (Avoiding the auto choice of "I only got 3 hits, I needed 4 to win so a no brainer reroll")
I hope that makes sense

Thanks in advance :-)

martin goddard

Hello ob

 I think you have ben perceptive and gotten it right.

1.The effect lasts forever or until that officer dies.  The asset system means that you can achieve a result many times.   e.g An asset worth 6.  roll 2D6 in a turn and get it. Roll 1D6 in a turn and get it. Roll 3D6 in a turn and get it. You now have it 3 times The probability is unlikely though Bob.

2.Yes all hits are allocated before save rolls. It matters whether it is an MG or a rifleman base.
However, before nay hots are attributed a player might want a few tries at pinning. A player does not have to declare how many pin attempts he will make. Just keep going until fed up, successful or no hits left.

3. Everything in the rules is sequential. ie something happens, pause and re-count everything, then the next thing happens.

4.If a player has a re-roll, he must do his roll and re-roll (if chosen) first. Then pause. The poorer quality player then rolls his D6. This stops the re-roller knowing what is needed for victory in the assault.

Keep on keeping on Bob

martin :)


That's great Martin, thank you.
I am sure there will be more questions along the line ...LOL


martin goddard

Always good to hear your game queries Bob.

martin :)

martin goddard

New BB dispatched.
Should be in your command tent now.

martin :)