Introducing Version X to us.

Started by Smiley Miley 66, October 06, 2024, 06:46:54 AM

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Smiley Miley 66

Many thanks to Martin for his usual hospitality and patience to showing myself and Simon to the new AK47.
I enjoyed the the day Thank you.
AK 47 on Squares. A very good game. Learning from the new PBI, and using the existing Mexican and SCW games as inspiration has made a very convincing African warfare game.
By not defining any countries, basing it around an African continent rather than a Country as such is great. Especially as wars are flaring up on edges of such area at the moment!
It will allow most of us to be able to use all of PP ranges and figures.
Which weirdly before did seem a bit impossible to do before.
It will allow like I said a lot more of PP ranges to be included but also other market sources to be used as well.
I think he has got the Armoured, lightly Armoured and non armoured vehicles done right, so they are good but not "War Winning" and untouchable! Artillery and Air Strikes seem good and how to archive them is fun as well ? With the ability to return figures back to units is unique and quirky. A BIG Thumbs Up on that Martin.
I think he has reintroduced the Fun from V1 and the Organisation of V2 and put them into something that is Fun and Works without any clunky bits into it ?
Only one thing I thought when the Occupation of ground was being calculated ? I had a couple of Technicals in between the troops and their base edge. If that had been my troops that would have been classed as an "Interruption" but Vehicles not? I think in a Modern game or post WW2 game it should count ? As today's warfare is meant to be a more mobile form of war ? Maybe 1 point rather than 2 ?
But saying that if that's the only "Fault" I can find then ? Personally I think the game is going in the right direction!
I won the first game and Simon won the second, I was defending both times, with 4 different army types being used.

martin goddard

Colonel Kilgore

Thank you to Martin for his generous hospitality and to Miles for being game to learn alongside me.

A most enjoyable day, and two fun games. I was happily surprised by how much AK47 flavour Martin has weaved into familiar gaming mechanisms.

I think the games went very well. I liked the 2 foot units on table, and the possibility to top up units that have suffered casualties. I like too the variation in additional points by army list, which results in more variation than, say, Bayonets and Ideology.

The new game needs fewer figures than the last version. I should probably paint up a unit of Martin's very nice professionals (which I didn't previously use) to make it clear who's who, though.

My only comment really is the professionalisation of troops relative to Reloaded. There seem to be more Regulars and Professionals, and fewer Militia, than previously.


Colonel Kilgore

I was trying to add my photos here, but this feature doesn't currently seem to be working as usual. Is anyone having similar issues?


Colonel Kilgore

That was weird!

Back to the normal method, it seems. I was Heriditary Benign Dictatorship. Benignly attacking:


Colonel Kilgore

In the second game I was playing Warlord Uprising, with 2 militia units. Miles won a minefield, which was a bit of a pain:

As usual, fewer photos of the second game, as I forgot and got engrossed in the action!


Sean Clark

Very glad to hear two more stalwarts have been introduced.

Miles, I think yo capture brilliantly the essence of what the People's Edition is. I very much feel the same way. I've thoroughly enjoyed my games so far and can see this been a 'definitive' edition of the game.

The pictures look excellent Colonel. I'm really liking how the game looks which I know is important to us. I can see lots of opportunity for the development of how our AK games look, with variations on how we represent partials, the buildings, the jungle etc. Some real creative freedom I think!

Anyway, it'll be at least a couple of weeks or more before I can play afain so keep these reports coming!

Smiley Miley 66

I had Colonial Settlers first game. With A/cars
Mercenary Core in the second game. With Technicals
What I was meant to say earlier. The vehicles should be an interruption but not classed as holding ground ?
Boots on the ground are the only way to hold ground !

Smiley Miley 66

Sean you are right, I am already thinking how to re work some scenery pieces? I usually represent partials with 40 x 40mm pieces square with the corners cut off ? Or the biggest washers you can find ? Thru to 4 inch squares with the corners cut off again !
This then distinguish them from actual Full Scenery Squares! Hopefully?
Then I put the likes of small trees, Big Bushes, small walls, rocks or something that creates a small obstruction without obliterating the LOS, making a Partial obstruction ! Or something to maybe hide some part of the body but not the whole body ?
Now with PP new resin Toyota pick ups destroyed then would make nice mini dioramas ?
Just to give a suggestion and idea and what you can do ?
I find it's a great way of getting rid of waste cuttings from scratch building others things, after you have coated it in Sand  and paint, ink and dry brushed it it just look like something on the ground in sight but not blocking ?

martin goddard

Thanks for doing the photos chaps.
They inform the discussion well.

martin :)