MILL 20 done

Started by martin goddard, September 30, 2024, 03:54:31 PM

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martin goddard

MILL 20 is now done and on the PP website.
The gamette is SOL.
Fewer articles this time.
If I lost, mangles  or missed your article then please remind me and accept my apologies.
Thanks to those that contributed.

Issue 21 out end of January 2025?

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

Well done Martin, and apologies that I missed the deadlline. I'd started the article and all...  :-[


Sean Clark

Sounds like it'll be the first submission for the coming of age issue 21!

Sean Clark

I like the three special scenery pieces. If my team had left their police cars in that state  I'd have been having a few words with them!

Mike's bus piece is wonderful!


Congratulations to all concerned on another good issue.

I enjoyed the retrospective. My own first encounter with Peter Pig was in the 1990s, somewhere in Birmingham (might have been the venue underneath Spaghetti Junction). The game was Square Bashing, Russian Civil War. I remember being somewhat bemused by the end, but I did buy a copy of the rules and some packs of figures. So, job done.

Sean Clark

I think I was at that show John. I played the RCW Square Bashing game with Martin too.

martin goddard

The continued support for the MILL is strong.
A lot of members here have contributed in the past, so all is well.
As the MILL is cheap to produce and cheap to buy, the current version of activity is fine.

We have had issues of over 100 pages. The present one is 30 odd pages. Both fulfil the aim.
It would be good to have more 15mm stuff that is not Peter Pig centred, but I think that some prospective authors want a glossy magazine place for their work.

martin :)

Leman (Andy)

Maldon, terrific. Nothing like a bit of Dark Age action to stir my enthusiasm.

Smiley Miley 66

I was a bit slow in conduction with Simon on getting something out on the Monte Cassino game.

Colonel Kilgore

Probably my fault, Miles.

We'll do it for next time!



Help! Is it just me? I know this has arisen before and was easily solved (not that I remember how) but my PP website only goes as far as the Mill 19 and I can't see 20 anywhere. What do I do?


Derek of Cambridge

martin goddard

No problem Derek.
Just go to the top of screen menu/options and it will say "reload page" , "refresh page"  or similar.  It will then appear.

martin :)


Job done. Thanks Martin. (I'll write it down in case it happens again.)

Derek of Cambridge

martin goddard

Smoking gun

I skimmed this issue early this morning, (around 5:00 a.m.) it may have 30 odd pages but they are quality, and of interest not like the glossy magazines.

It also left me with feelings of guilt and regret because I haven't contributed anything to date despite having a couple of ideas for articles.

I will try and get myself motivated and find the time to sit at the keyboard and produce something fit for publication.

I'll also make a little board for SOL, which looks like a fun little game.

Thank you and best wishes,
Martin from near Grimsby