Old games

Started by martin goddard, September 25, 2024, 12:20:37 PM

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NTM (Nigel)

Risk is still played in our household

martin goddard

That is good Nigel. How many players fora normal game. How long is a game?

martin :)


I enjoyed the first (DOS) computer version of Risk but found the board game too repetitive. Maybe we weren't playing properly.

I did buy the "Napoleonic" remake, but only because it came with hordes of plastic figures which I repurposed for use with some "old school" projects. Also the game was on special offer in British Home Stores, which dates it a bit.

martin goddard

BHS. Marvellous.

martin :)


I still have Railroader and it still gets played.


I remember playing this one under its alternative name Armada. Good fun, you got to sail little plastic ships round the board and take pot shots at them with a spring-loaded cannon.


Always best to avoid the red ships, as they had a moulding seam on the base and fell over if you breathed on them.

martin goddard

I would play that.

martin :)