Old games

Started by martin goddard, September 25, 2024, 12:20:37 PM

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martin goddard

Campaign. Did you like it?
Risk. Did you like it?
Little big horn. Did you like it?

What other war board games did/do you play and  what was interesting good/bad about them?

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

I think that Risk has evolved quite a lot by theme and over time. I once enjoyed playing a game (I think some drinking may have been involved...) over a whole weekend.

I haven't played the others.


Stewart 46A

I have all 3
I will bring Little big horn to the weekend


Colonel Kilgore

I look forward to that, Stewart!


Sean Clark

Fairly sure I had Big Horn and Campaign. Never understood Campaign though.

martin goddard

Big horn had some lovely figures in it.

martin :)


There is an old Gibson Games game called 'Game of Nations.' It was a little AK47 adjacent as it was set in an oil rich fictional middle east and you were trying to take over the various countries while making oil pipelines and associated profit.

What I found excellent was that the game dispensed with dice entirely. The various leaders operated on a rock/paper/scissors format so Guerillas would trump Democrats who would trump Dictators who would trump Guerillas (or something like that). And movement cost money, from your oil revenue, with some pieces being cheaper to move than others.

Several simple yet abstract concepts which made for an absorbing game.

martin goddard

That sounds intruiging Dex.

martin :)

Leman (Andy)

Had both Risk and Little Big Horn in the 60s and played them to death. I also had the modern one by Brian Horrocks that had tanks and planes and floppy, plastic stick on terrain. Again it was great fun and  was played to death. Other games I played a great deal in the 60s were Camelot, Railroader, where you had to lay rails across the western US against competitors, with the opportunity to dynamite rival lines, and of course Cluedo. Always have a piece of lead piping handy! As I got more into wargaming with my ACW Airfix collection the boardgames were played less and less, eventually going to my brother around 1970.


I had campaign and it was interesting but never really got good games of it.

Anyone remember the 'english civil war' board game? i.e. this https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/5438/english-civil-war

I still have good memories of playing that as a teenager and it was part of my continued interest with the subject even today.

The other one we played was Colditz - but I think that has been made again recently.

Sean Clark

I have the ECW boardgame amd used it to generate tabletop battles. Very good.

Smiley Miley 66

I bought it a year or so ago because Sean said it's good to Generate game scenarios.

Smiley Miley 66

Super Flight Deck.
Loved that, when I first bought it we lived in a relatively Huge flat and the Hallway ran along one bedroom, bathroom and kitchen so was quite long ! Making it great for the game !

martin goddard

That ECW looks good.

martin :)

Smoking gun

I owned Campaign and enjoyed it, I also played Little Big Horn at a friend's house and enjoyed that too. Both of these were played in my early teens. I didn't encounter Risk until I was much older and seem to remember that the games could "drag on" for a while. They were part of my wargaming development although I wasn't that aware of wargaming until my late teens or early twenties. I can still remember my first game using figures at a club in Workington, Cumbria, in the early 1980's.

Best wishes,
Martin from near Grimsby