Game 20th September using Version X

Started by Sean Clark, September 22, 2024, 12:56:59 PM

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Sean Clark

Introduced 1 more player on Friday, nit 2 as planned. Rob joined Kev and I.

I was Colonial Settkers as I wanted to try 2 professional units and get maximum on the countdown. Kev went back to the Benign Dictatorship with 1 professional  amd 2 regulars.

11 points on additions felt limiting for the Colonial army. I had MG Ac's, MGs, Mortars and RCLs plus transport for my off table regulars.

Kev had tanks, gun armed ACs, RCLs and Mortars. He attacked scuppering my plan to max out my comms. Both of us ended up on 6.

We had the Fire random event and assumed only the player winning the event brought  his matches with him.

This caused me no end of problems as Kev set fire to the only jungle template  plus 2 solid buildings. This limited my movement across the table. 

Transports with an off table unit are great as the while unit arrives at once.

Due to high comms for us both, we ended up with a good few airstrikes and artillery bombardments.

My general died for the first time.

Infantry assaulting a lone tank seemed like a brilliant idea. Worked very nicely.

I had set up in rows 3 and 4 with 2 on table professional units. This meant that when Kevs reinforcements arrived in the 2 corners on my base edge  I felt surrounded.

I've now played 12 games of AK PE and I'm yet to win. However I'm really enjoying it. Kev won this one with a Massive Win.

I think he was a lucky sausage as his dice worked better than mine. Which were Kevs in reality as for the second week running I'd forgotten my dice. Actually  I'll blame the fact I wasn't using my own special dice! 🤣

martin goddard

I do very much look forward to the write ups from Sean's group and Dex's group.  Thanks.

The fire needs some clarification. It can only be used by the winning player. It is a one time occurrence. I will do that.

martin :)

Sean Clark

"The owner can keep trying to fire templates, but never the same one twice"

We took this to mean only the person winning the event can do this and that he can fire as many templates as he through the course of the game, but if he fails  he can't return to that template. That template is safe for the rest of the game.

martin goddard

You are a firestarter Sean

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: Sean Clark on September 22, 2024, 04:46:24 PM"The owner can keep trying to fire templates, but never the same one twice"

We took this to mean only the person winning the event can do this and that he can fire as many templates as he through the course of the game, but if he fails  he can't return to that template. That template is safe for the rest of the game.

An alternative reading would be that one can never even attempt to set fire to a given template more than once, Sean?  ;)


martin goddard

No problem

I will clarify it in the rules.
1. Only 1 success allowed
2. Not special piece or arrival zone piece.
3. Each try on a piece is the only try on that piece.

Now there will not be that event for many games?

martin :)

Sean Clark

Ok, so you can keep trying until you succeed and then that's it. Seems more reasonable. At one point it looked like the whole table might catch fire 🤣

martin goddard


I'm a fire lighter, the benign dictator orders a "scorched earth" policy, just to keep law and order to stop these mercenaries from raiding our beloved lands🧐😄. We are also testing the rules. I am really enjoying the games of AK47 and out of the five games so far, I have won four (not that winning is the only reason) and the taking part and playing with a group/friends socially, brightens the whole experience/day.


Sean Clark

Yes, very cheap and very clear. I use the same sticks for all of the bonus markers.

They are a little obtrusive, but aid clarity and easy to spot.