Sci fi 15mm- random thoughts

Started by martin goddard, September 21, 2024, 05:41:59 PM

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Have you thought about Urban or Space ship terrain, each room /corridor a square?

martin goddard

Possibly Graham. This is a side project and thus will get less detail.

martin :)

Smoking gun

How about an aquatic environment, rather than a planets surface?

Best wishes,
Martin, from a village near Grimsby

martin goddard

Good thought Martin.
I think water would count as a different type of atmosphere?
The troopers would cope well(?)

Gamers find it difficult to cope if the idea is too "different".

Hence why WW2 games seem to be 75% Normandy. Then a bit of Pacific (what no tank gangs?), Desert (not enough T34s and JSII) and Russia (I only own 1 cloth and it is Normandy).

martin :)


Quote from: martin goddard on October 17, 2024, 07:50:55 AMGamers find it difficult to cope if the idea is too "different".

martin :)

Much like people wanting to see the same film/tv show over and over again

martin goddard

Maybe folk find a safe existence and don't want to risk it?

martin :)


From my own experience it's more often the case that people fall victim to the latest craze / shiny toy only for buyer's remorse to set in reasonably quickly. I've been guilty of that on occasion.

WW2, western Europe was maybe popular in the past because many gamers had a relative who had taken part. Also perhaps there was a perception that it was a more "gentlemanly" sort of war than other theatres, plus arguably saw the greatest variety of mechanised vehicles. I've always admired PP for bucking the trend by doing a range for the 14th Army.

To return to the topic, I would see the challenge of different environments as an important topic for a tactical sci-fi game. Aquatic and indeed aerial adventures might be difficult to represent unless the grid could somehow be turned into a cube. Maybe separate boards to represent x-y and x-z axes... would also mean twice as many figure sales.  :)

martin goddard

Agreed John. There should be a variety of environments with associated challenges.
With only 8 figures there needs to be a reason for splitting up. Scenery might be one of those reasons.

martin :)