4 new players

Started by Sean Clark, August 30, 2024, 08:52:49 AM

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Sean Clark

I'm very excited to be introducing Vietnam to 4 new club members tonight.

They are all experienced gamers but have never played a Peter Pig game before and as fsr as I am aware never played a wargame on a grid.

I'm going to go all guns blazing to sell the game to them. I do hope Martin has plenty of copies of the rules and that Nigel amd Mike know where the moulds are because there's going  to be a rush of orders coming in afterwards 😉

Photos will be forthcoming with a full report fir the Mill with pre and post game thoughts from the players.

martin goddard

That sounds most excellent Sean.
I think that the most difficult concept for new VIETNAM players is that of "roll all the D6".
You might need to go over this a couple of times?

Good hunting.

martin :)

Sean Clark


I think the kids call the activation system a 'push your luck' mechanic, which will help the to grasp the idea of the redcuing dice pool for activiation.

The important thing is to keep everyone engaged and moving along at pace and for the game to look nice.

Colonel Kilgore

It's very similar to the inherent jeopardy in the piggy chase in other RFCM rules.

For card players, a "stick or twist" analogy may be helpful?


martin goddard

We have sold 2 sets of VIETNAM rules.

Thanks Sean

martin :)

Sean Clark

The game went very well  if a bit slowly. My friend Ade ended up subbing in as one player dropped out.

It's always good when you see players grasping the mechanisms, and playing tactically.

The game didn't finish, but the US had found the No1, 1 of the high value stores and 3 low value caches. Killed around 13 VC for the loss of 4 US, unfortunately including the US Commander.

At least 1 of the rules purchases was from one of the players (another Martin!) Which is lovely 😃

Sean Clark

Some pictures of the Vietnam game that finished last night. All seemed to enjoy it.

The revelation of the game was the US  running away from every assault the VC tried. Facing at most 4 dice needing 6's as opposed to up to 8 dice in a fight seemed the preferred option. This was influenced by the fact that they already had a lot of caches amd just needed to survive until the end of the game to win.

It was a 26 point victory to the US.  A proper win. They lost 6 bases, but killed  a lot of VC and found the no.1 store as well as 1 high value and 2 low value stores.

Personally when I've played the US, I've always been worried about running away from a fight, but I think it will be my preferred option from now on 😀

Colonel Kilgore

It can be hard to win with White Star, and discretion often is the better part of valour here!

A nice set-up there, Sean. I particularly like how you've decorated your sabots to blend in with the figure bases - lovely job  :)


Sean Clark

Thanks Colonel. MOCB never fails to deliver.

Lots of chat about how to reverse the fortunes of the VC afterwards.

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: Sean Clark on September 07, 2024, 02:54:29 PMLots of chat about how to reverse the fortunes of the VC afterwards.

Sometimes it is what it is. That crucial Fail, the assault that never came off...

That's what makes MOCB such nail-biting fun!


martin goddard

If you run away, you will lose the confidence of your dice Sean.
You need to carry out pointless frontal  assaults to get your medal (posthumously of course)

martin :)