Paint Pot tray

Started by martin goddard, July 16, 2024, 09:12:35 AM

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martin goddard

Here is mine. Show us yours.

martin :)

martin goddard

I suspect many of us have similar collections.
The big pots are cheap base colours which get a lot of use.
There are some old paint types not seen much anymore.
Some others that almost never get used.
Multiples of favourite colours.  Yellow, red, blue and browns.
A few that need throwing out.
A few Windsor and Newton inks and other newer inks from Entoyment.
Then a few jam jar top palettes and some cocktail sticks.

martin :)


I have a wall rather than a tray, and a slight addiction to buying paints.. Just downsized and got rid of the full old vallejo game colour range recently, and have a couple of very unorganised drawers filled with paints i dont really use, accidently bought duplicates etc.
vast majority Games workshop paints put into dropper bottles, although i am going to be slowly replacing them with the new army painter fanatic paints as they are fantastic! a few vallejo model colour and airbrush ready paints down on the right with gw contrast paints on the left.


Colonel Kilgore

That looks far too neat and tidy, Ben!  :D



The paints maybe, not the actual desk space!

Sean Clark



I resisted the temptation  to tidy up for the purpose of the picture. Mostly Army Painter Fanatic and Vallejo model colour.

I have a large 20l plastic box full of paints. Like Ben, I'm slightly addicted, but tend to use around a dozen on a regular basis.

I'm at the stage of my painting life where if it's green, I paint it green without worrying whether it's the right green.

@martin goddard

Can you post a picture of the ink you normally use to wash your figures and scenery with?


These are all looking much too tidy, so here's mine.


sukhe_bator (Neil)

These are all the paints I ever use... barring acrylic spray undercoats in white, tan, light olive and black. I can squirrel the acrylic tubes and drawing ink into a small Jacobs cracker tin to transport to work. The big tubes of tempera are for basing. I don't have a permanent set up.

Colonel Kilgore

Wow - you must be the most frugal (or maybe most disciplined?) painter I think I've ever met, Neil!  ;D


Smoking gun

I have packed most of my paints away ready to move house. (Our house sale completes tomorrow so we are technically homeless in around 17 hours.) I have two A4 plastic craft boxes full of Humbrol enamel paints including some "authentic colour" from the 1970s and 80s. I also have a couple of boxes containing mostly Vallejo acrylic paints with a small selection of the other suppliers of acrylic model paints and some "craft" acrylics plus Winsor and Newton matt varnish and drawing inks.

There are an embarrassing number of duplicates in the collection I shouldn't need to buy any more model paint for years but I almost certainly will. :)

Best wishes,
Martin from Grimsby

Leman (Andy)

Well, the ability to post photos has retuned to my flikr account, but it still takes a while to upload.

Leman (Andy)

Now uploaded


Well, it is but flikr has changed things again and PP changed to that htttps box and I just can't keep in my head how everything works, so I don't think I'll bother with pictures again. It's time wasting and stressful trying to get to grips with a technology that changes faster than I can drink a pint, so time to sit back, paint and lay off this over-complicated type writer.