Today (13th July) SCW at Entoyment

Started by martin goddard, July 13, 2024, 09:46:32 PM

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martin goddard

Eleven of us had a nice day out at Entoyment.
We played SCW.
Nine games played.
The nationalists dod better because there were more of them.

Armies in play
Assault guards
Regular army
Anarchist Militia
Internacional brigade

Lots of minor issues came up with the rules.

1. No super crowding penalty
2. Close to PC = 2 squares
3. Veterans get +1 to save roll.
4. Count squares to the rear as "held" whether actually occupied or not.

martin :)


Fun days play and a lot learnt. Looking forward to forgetting it all now as it will be so long till I get to play it again lol.

Thanks for organising it all.


Sean Clark

I forgot that militia lose a dice when shooting. It's funny how you can forget the bad bits but remember the good bits  ;D

As was evidenced today,  it didn't help me one bit!

But thanks as usual to Stewart for organising, to Simon and Derek for being great opponents and to Martin for the board and lodging. Lovely to see everyone.

martin goddard

Good news Sean.
Glad you came down that long long way.
You made the day more enjoyable. Especially when everyone gets to fight your anarchists.

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

It was a great day - thanks to all for making it the success it was.

My main conclusion is not to lose the Piggy Chase. And if one really must, at least get past the first level!

I think one reason I'd had reasonable success with my army in the past (aside from the killer flame-breathing tankettes, of course) was that I had a lot of small units. This helped the infantry platoons come on earlier, and the 2-model gun and vehicle units were never a problem.

I spent a lot of time yesterday trying to get largish infantry  platoons on the table, which in several cases just didn't happen (particularly when the opponent has a Delay asset!).
