AK People's Edition Rules Queries

Started by Sean Clark, July 03, 2024, 05:09:13 PM

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martin goddard

Sean has it right. This is about set number 30 of published RFCM rules.

martin :)

martin goddard

Thanks Nick
I will get another version out at the weekend (or before).
Are the helicopter rules clear? I am working at them.

martin :)


Quote from: martin goddard on July 04, 2024, 09:49:36 AMThanks Nick
I will get another version out at the weekend (or before).
Are the helicopter rules clear? I am working at them.

martin :)

Helicopter rules look good, and are mostly clear Martin. These are the bits that perhaps need clarifying...

Duration section - "Each owner turn the owner will roll a d6 (no roll)" - I think that the brackets should say no re-roll
Being shot at section - "Heavy armour, mortars and RCL cannot shoot at helicopters. These weapons can shoot from proximity range too." These 2 sentences seems contradictory.
Finally, "Each score of 6 deducts 1 from the helicopter duration. No saving rolls are applied." If the intention is that shooting at helicopters only affects it's duration in the game, and not actually destroys it, then I think that could be more clear stated at the start of the helicopter rules.


Sean Clark

Which version are you quoting from Nick?



That is indeed different to my version G  :)


Sean Clark

Ahhh. I was getting confused by looking at F  ;D

Sean Clark

Deleted the previous! It was from F

Sean Clark

Read G now.

I say 'booooo!' if we can't shoot the helicopter down! 😂🤣😅

It's always one of the best bits of the game in Vietnam.

Plus a Blackhawk Down game would be very difficult  :)

martin goddard

I am sure it could be deployed as a destroyed chopper on the count of 12?

martin :)

Sean Clark

Sean Clark

I've just relaised there's no stream/river scenery.

Is this something that can be considered as I've just bought and painted a lovely steel girder bridge 😂

martin goddard

I will certainly think about river stream.  However, Africa is famous for bridges that go nowhere. They are corrupt projects by African leaders.

ie. A bridge costs 1 million. You give me an invoice for 3 million. 2 million in my family fund. You can build any bridge you fancy with any materials. Sorted.

martin :)

martin goddard

I will get a new version out this weekend.

martin :)


Prepping for my first PE game this evening, slightly later than many of you.

Some basic queries (and sorry if already covered elsewhere that I can't find) but...

1) Where you pay additional points for extra items (e.g. 2 mortars) do those specific extra items have to go in the same unit or can I split them? I didn't see this specified in the 'L' version I am reading. Page 20 says foot crewed items are added to existing foot units, plural, which implies to me I could split them.
2) Do I have to spend the 17 points? Page 20 says I 'can' spend them but doesn't say I must. Is there any possible benefit from not spending them? Should there be?
3) I get that buying extra tanks or vehicles creates a new unit. If I buy two sets of vehicles does this create two new units or can I merge them into one?

