Bits to be going into AK PE

Started by martin goddard, July 01, 2024, 06:40:01 PM

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martin goddard

The blurry of AK talk is marvellous.
Don't worry . Other topic genres will re-emerge.

The flag and name generator will go back in when they have been tickled pink.

Some trivial victory points will be inserted (maybe optional).

Narrative will go in. Plus some 1973 AI  on paper.

Players still have two other editions to choose from too. I am not going to burn them metaphorically or physically.

martin :)

Sean Clark

Good to know the flags and naming the country will be in. It shows that link to the past.

I think most of us are understanding that playtest versions change greatly from first to last.

From early observations, I suspect people will have more than enough vehicles already, but MAY need a wee bit more infantry.

As things stand you'll only ever need 2 tanks and/or 4 Toyotas/technicals for an army. Of course this may be subject to change  ;)

Colonel Kilgore


Don't forget that we all need at least 2 armies as well :)


martin goddard

You have it right Sean on all counts.

I hope players make  a big box of stuff in order to give them a lot of flexibility each time they deploy their army?
It should be enjoyable to use the same army type in lots of different guises.

For aeroplanes there are plenty of 1/100th basic jets (migs, skyhawk etc).
For helicopters i am not so sure. Maybe a Huey or an old Russian 1/100th kit?

martin :)

Smiley Miley 66

Nowadays the choice of available aircraft is quite large. 1/100th and 1/144th scales. Helicopters are out there.
Team Yankee project helped this a lot recently. As well as Vietnam and Arab Israeli conflicts.
Must admit my own personal collection of aircraft is quite big, especially that later end of the conflict timeline! Including Civilian aircraft, as well as DC3s I also have a couple of more modern aircraft for a modern small airport.
Looking forward to start getting my toys out again.

Sean Clark

1/144rh works well in my eyes, especially for the larger planes.


Thinking of transport options... will cavalry be included in the new rules?


Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: Sean Clark on July 02, 2024, 09:32:18 AM1/144rh works well in my eyes, especially for the larger planes.

Same for me - I like 1/144 planes with 15mm troops.


martin goddard

Cavalry will go in much later Howard.
This is because they  will be an "add on" to the normal troops. These normal troops are not themselves sorted out yet.

martin :)