Squarebashing 2025

Started by SimonC, July 01, 2024, 01:46:48 PM

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As people are asking....

Yes - next year will be 1915 armies.

It will be around the same time of year too.


Permitted lists

Austro-Hungarian Early war 1914-15
Belgian early war western front 1914
British 1914 -15 BEF
British Mid-War Western Front 1915-17
Bulgarian Army 1915-18
Mid War French Army 1915-16
German 1914 - 1915.
German 1915-16...
Italian 1915-18..
Germans in east Africa 1914-18.
British in East Africa 1914-18.
Turkish Army (Europe and Caucasus) 1915-18
Turkish Army - Middle East
Russian early WW1 1914-15
Cossack Host 1900-22..
Mexican Federal Army 1914-16
Mexican Revolutionary army 1914-16..
Chinese Warlord Army 1911-27

Any options in the list must be relevant to 1915

Sean Clark

For a few years I've wanted to paint an army especially for the event. I need to make it so for next year! Something I wouldn't ordinarily  look at like Bulgarians  Austrians or Italians I think.

Colonel Kilgore

I've no imagination, so will be fielding British Mid-War Western Front 1915-17.


John in York

I'll be using Italians. The army is already completed. They are Peter Pig early war German jaegers and French with suitable paint jobs and the addition of head swaps to create the Bersaglieri. They look the business to my uneducated eyes.

Sean Clark

Of course, 1915 is the year of Gallipol and Loos. I have figures for Loos but not Gallipoli so I think that may be my next Square Bashing adventure!

I wonder if Martin has the time to do some Anzacs  ;D

martin goddard

Has Dave got an Anzac army?

martin :)


Sean Clark

But is it a Peter Pig Anzac army?   :)  ;)


Mostly, Martin did some Anzacs as a special for me several years ago.


Sean Clark

Well now I'm very jealous  ;D

The only real options in 15mm are QRF or MiniFigs.  Neither of which as you'll notice are Peter Pig. The sculpts look pretty old and lacking in poses. I think Lancashire Games do them but they're described as 18mm. Eureka are also making some but they're very expensive.


I have quite a big Eureka light horse army which I brought cheaply when fighting 15's sold off their stock, they go quite well with the PP ones. I have also added quite a number of PP head swopped figures to the ones Martin did for me. They are all hidden away in the garage loft, must get them out some time soon!!



Just a comment on Lancashire... they are indeed whoppers. I did have some .. but they are really big

John Watson

Perhaps Martin could be persuaded to dig out the old Anzac moulds if he still has them?

Sean Clark

I wouldn't like to ask...I'm too shy.