AK notes

Started by martin goddard, June 26, 2024, 05:57:18 PM

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martin goddard


This is interesting but not surprising.
8= fully functioning democracy.


AK deliberately does not make armies for specific countries.
That would cause a lot of pointless shouting I fear.
Since 1996 when AK was first brought out, things have not changed a lot.

martin :)


Things have gone downhill I am afraid Martin in most. The authoritarian regimes are seem to be even more oppressive and the "almost" democratic are rife with corruption and cronyism.  So maybe they have modelled themselves on "modern" western democracy after all lol.


martin goddard

Yes indeed. All a bit sad.



Maybe we should do a version in the US. Republicans vs Democrats. Could even have a 3 way battle with the poor law enforcement agents stuck in the middle trying to keep them apart. They have enough weapons there and the split is so divergent to make it interesting!

After all, there is a ruleset called a Very British Civil War!


martin goddard

The world is still a bad place for many.
"I am grabbing power for the sake of the people". ::)

See Bolivian coup this week.

martin :'(

Sean Clark

Despite the madness going on in the world, AK47 set in made up countries whether that be Africa or Central American tin pot states is excellent escapism. I imagine that my games are all set pre 1980, so no assumptions and comparisons about real world issues should be made.

Smoking gun

Quote from: Sean Clark on June 27, 2024, 09:44:45 AMDespite the madness going on in the world, AK47 set in made up countries whether that be Africa or Central American tin pot states is excellent escapism. I imagine that my games are all set pre 1980, so no assumptions and comparisons about real world issues should be made.

Hi Sean,
Same here.

Best wishes,
Martin from Grimsby


Visit to Peter Pig.
 Firstly I would like to say a big 'Thank you' to Martin for the invite and a tour of the workshop. But also, for the very interesting intro,test play of AK47 People's Popular Front (or was that the name of my army)🤔 game we had. I will hopefully do a brief battle report of our fast, tense game making it a draw, with few points between my attacking People's army and Martin's defending force. Once again thank you Martin and I look forward to my return and the building of my AK47 forces that I purchased whilst there.

Sean Clark

Glad you made it Kev! Though you seem to be on a run of being undefeated. Your People's Popular Front is in danger of becoming a Dictatorship 🤣

What did you pick up?


Hi Sean, I picked almost the same force that I played with you. My militia were once again a force to up set the defender and my regular force (took a few casualties) moved over a hill and into the town, with support from the tanks, (taking out his techs). It was a very tense and interesting game with only a few points difference, so a good drew👍 for my troops/force. Martin's militia was a big force, and his reserves were slow coming on (not as bad as Neil's) and I,m clad that his tanks were also in reserve 🧐. Anyway I had a great game and Martin did invite me back (sadly daughter had booked a meal at a restaurant) which I will take up on my return.

Smiley Miley 66

I am doing some tidying up at home, so I could actually get to some of my "toys" !
I managed to get to my AK figures at long last !
On the only slight disappointment is the possible names listing in the rules ? Could the TPF (Tooting Popular Front)that after joining forces with what is left with a pocket of Rhodesian farm/land owners (from the olden Victorian rule days) to form GOB (Grumpy Old Brits) have its last days ?
I will have to look for a new name ?
Here is my forces so far ?

martin goddard

Not a problem Miles.
You can use any name you like.
Citizen Smith?

martin :)

Smiley Miley 66

Funnily enough Wolfie Smith and Mr V Meldrew are featured in the command structures? How much of a coincidence is that ?
That is good to know, must keep the "old" force going !
I will of course have to restructure my forces.
Must admit my "Muslim" tribe might now be a strong contender for a showing now ?
As well as the old African tribes too?