AK warm up

Started by martin goddard, June 19, 2024, 07:54:34 AM

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martin goddard

We played another warm up game.
The "warm ups" allow the rules to be  ready for first play testing.

What we used.

1. The communication (event) mechanism.  Seemed to work OK and is ready for testing.(new idea)
2. The army for each side had about 50 foot bases. Players will need to see if that is not too many bases for them to build?
3. We did use "taking cover" which seemed to work OK.(PBI Idea)
4. The game ended in a slaughter as the defender did not bring on any reinforcements.(new idea)
5. Half the victory points were scenery based and half casualty based. This is intended.(new idea blended with CK)
6.Ranges seemed a bit too big so they will be reduced a bit. e.g tank reduced from 6 to 5.(SCW idea)
7. We did the scenario generation without any text just results. It worked OK.(BB idea)
8. The bonus chits from the scenario worked OK.(New idea)
9. We did have a couple of airstrikes and artillery strikes.
10. The sandstorm appeared, caused some havoc then blew away. An interesting idea that might carry on.

A few notable rules.
1. Vehicles do not have a facing. Thus, moves are from square to square, with no turns, side armour etc.
2. SCW pinned was harsh but OK.
3.The communication event will need a lot of experience to understand it well. It is new.
4.The SCW shooting was very simple, which was good.
5.Building an army is also complicated but should be straightforward once players have had a read? There will be examples to help.(SCW idea)
6.All foot bases are the same for shooting. This is because the figures are not 1 to 1 as in PBI. Each unit  is a company not a platoon. Vehicles repent several not single.
7. Ground scale is about 120m per square instead of the PBI 60m per square.
8. No objectives.
9. 5 scenery pieces/templates per player. One touch layout rule (FM idea)

Playtest copies will be out to you in the next few days.
Early versions will concentrate on "standard" African armies. Intervention armies and super kit may only appear later, as they are not the central aim of the rules. As in PBI, players will find that a "normal" army with normal units will be the best overall choice.

I don't want players first choice to be Western armies with excellent troops and weapons. Nope.
Do remember that some of the rule parts will displease you and they may become more prominent or disappear. Hence play testing.
I hope players find this all very interesting.

The army we used last night had

34 militia bases.
13 regular bases
A pair of tanks
A General

Does this sound like an army you already have enough foot bases for?

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

Thanks Martin - I like the mix of ideas and am looking forward to reading about the new ones.

No huge problem (subject to a detailed count / understanding of what would be "specials" such as mortars and HMGs) in principle with those base numbers, based on the forces I'd already built for AK47 Reloaded. In any case, they sound reasonable even for a new player building their own rabble.


martin goddard

That is reassuring Simon.
I would like new players to be able to use their existing stuff.

I hope the rules are liked and used. Time will tell.

martin :)


Sounds like a positive start Martin.
I agree it is important to be able to use existing bases as much as possible.


Sean Clark

No concerns here.

The communication mechanism sounds intriguing.

My men are ready at the border to begin operations.

Stewart 46A

Last nights game at PPHQ
For comparison against Martin & Denis
Mike and I fielded

1 x General
2 x regular units with 10 bases each
1 x militia unit with 16 foot + 2 Mortars
2 x Tanks
2 x Technicals




Looking interesting.

My reloaded army consists of:

36 bases of militia, from my understanding the old RPG bases will be incorporated as just bases - this includes three command bases.
9 bases of regulars - no command base
3 T55 MBTs
1 90mm Panhard
2 ZPU 4 AA Guns
2 Unimog trucks
3 Taxis (objective markers)
1 Commander

This should be enough to produce an army, probably need to add some MMG and mortars at some stage, maybe a couple of technicals.


martin goddard

That sounds like enough Chris.
You will probably need 4 more regular bases and a pair of MG bases?

martin :)

Smiley Miley 66

I was looking at doing an "Aden" based British army, some this could double up as a white man type African army of the early mid 60s Land Rovers, Scout cars, Bedford RL, British 6 wheelers and maybe Comet-Cromwell-Centurion and even an early Chieftain depending on points so I can go early to later in period timeline ? With a mix of Ak and even WW2 British infantry. For now my 80s-90s troops will do until I ve painted some up.
I ve got opposing forces too, African tribes and even Arab based.
Plenty of vehicles to liter the streets !
Plenty to look forward to.

Colonel Kilgore

This sounds like an arms race, Chris  ;)

I have:

1 Commander & bodyguard
20 regular SA/RPG bases
2 regular HMG
1 regular mortar
41 militia SA/RPG
4 militia RCL
4 militia mortars
3 militia HMG
3 trucks
6 Technicals
1 Mercedes (why?!)
2 Panhard 90mm gun
2 Panhard MG / mortar
2 quad AAs
2 AT guns
3 T55s

Should be OK to start with?  :)



Hi everyone,

I am looking forward to being able to use the end product :)

When I get the chance, I am a solo gamer; based on the test games so far would it work on a 4'x 4' table (with reduced force sizes)?

Also what is the "One touch layout rule"?


Smoking gun

My current army, the one I took to Sheffield, contains:

General and bodyguard.

Militia; 24 x Small Arms / RPGs, plus 2 x Recoiless Rifles.
Regular; 10 x Small Arms / RPGs.
Vehicles; 6 x HMG armed technicals, 2 x soft skins mounting Recoiless Rifles, 3 x Armoured Cars with Tank Guns, 4 x Soft skin carriers.

Also available are: 2 x Towed AA guns (with tows), three tanks, 2 x HMG, 2 x Mortar.

Currently on the painting desk: 12 Militia Small Arms / RPGs, 2 x Militia HMGs, and 2 x Mortar, and 3 x Sherman 76mm tanks.

Best wishes,

Martin from Grimsby

martin goddard

Hello Howard

It does get a bit "secret squirrel", Sorry.
In order to make sure players spread the scenery about each template can only touch one other template. This stops there being wide open spaces on the table.
When the play test list s done you are welcome to join in.

martin :)

martin goddard

Most of what players mention here seems enough for the new rules.
Maybe when we start play testing  you can say how it fits what you have etc?
There are no new troop types, but now RPGs are part of normal bases as mentioned above.

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

Any thoughts on how many bases per transport, Martin? I may need to get more wheels if the units are getting bigger!
