Painting 14th army

Started by Sean Clark, April 29, 2024, 01:16:02 PM

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Sean Clark

Enthused with yesterday's activities, I've ordered a 14th Army for myself.

This is a link to the excellent Balagan website with a straightforward painting guide. I'll be using once Nigel or Mike have worked their magic in the workshop!

14th Army painting guode

Sean Clark

....and I now see this website was referenced last year  ???

martin goddard

Thanks for the order Sean. Are you going to use some big tufts on the bases?

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: Sean Clark on April 29, 2024, 01:22:10 PM....and I now see this website was referenced last year  ???

But it's a good one  :)


Colonel Kilgore

When I get around to mine, I was going to go principally for the "faded dye" look all over, having read how forces arriving from India just chucked all their kit into a big vat of green dye on arrival. They must have had the future wargames painter in mind  :D

I look forward to seeing how yours turn out, Sean - will you be using some of the contrast paints?


Sean Clark

No I think it'll be Army Green from Army Painter..though Contrast might give that faded look easily enough.


There will certainly be tufts amd maybe some broomstick bristles too.

I'd like to source a couple Lee's or Grant's as there tank support.

martin goddard

Zvezda do a Lee/Grant, although there might be fewer around these days?  Try wonderland models

martin :)

Smoking gun

Hi Sean,
Models for Sale have 6 in stock at a fairly good price. Their website is worth a browse. Here's a direct link:

Best wishes, Martin from Grimsby

Colonel Kilgore

That is a good site, Martin.

Zvezda can be elusive nowadays!


John Watson

Flames of War do some. The Zvezda ones have counterweights on the end of the 75mm barrel, which the FoW ones don't. Forged in Battle and Command Decision (available from Skytrex or Old Glory UK) also do the Lee. My understanding on these tanks is that the bulk of them were shipped directly from the US and so did not have the British Command turret on them, although some may have been shipped after late 1942 from the western desert and so these would have the modified turret. Perhaps someone can confirm if I am right on this or not. Certainly most of the photos I have seen feature the US turret version.

Sean Clark

I've ordered 3 just in case.

I've also treated my Russians to 2 KV2's as I think it's my favourite tank of the war. Ugly!