Level of game

Started by Daniele, March 06, 2024, 11:03:49 AM

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Hello, a questione for Square Bashing experts.
I read on the page with the info that the game is a divisional battle level one.
I would like to play Balkan wars with a company/platoons game level, may Square Bashing be good with some change or better to search for other rules?
Many thanks

martin goddard

Hello Daniele

My thoughts (obviously biased).

Yes, you can treat the units as platoons.
However, there are NO skirmish elements to the game. This means no targeting or using individual figures. No consideration of scenery small detail such as doors, windows and individual trees.
The grids make the game very smooth flowing without messing about with tape measures and
the time that entails.

The armies you need are detailed in the army book too.
It is important to ask any prospective opponent if they can cope with grids in terms of the revolutionary move away from the much loved tape measure?

martin :)


Thank you Martin for answer. I don't want a skirmish game where figures acts independently, I simply want a game in wich the army is a company and not a division and units are platoons or squads and not battallions.
I think it may be good. No problem with opponents, I tend to develop my projects autonomously and then invite friends to play.
In the only local club we have in my town, in this moment, the only game played is ASOIAF and generally speacking the members are 28mm.'s strong supporters while I prefer minitures from 15 to 6mm.

Sean Clark

Hi Daniele

I suspect either Bayonets and Ideology or Fighting For Mexico would suit the lower level game better. Both represent company level actions as opposed to battalions and divisions.

You'd need to come up with your own lists, but I imagine it would work perfectly. The great thing is that if you want to do some higher level games you can use the same figures for Square Bashing.

John Watson

I'm with Sean. I think Bayonets and Ideology (PP SCW rules) would be best. Probably remove the LMGs from the basic unit and add a rifleman. Remove the armoured trucks. Devise your own army lists.


Quote from: John Watson on March 06, 2024, 12:23:09 PMI'm with Sean. I think Bayonets and Ideology (PP SCW rules) would be best. Probably remove the LMGs from the basic unit and add a rifleman. Remove the armoured trucks. Devise your own army lists.
Is there cavalry in Bayonets and ideology? In balkan wars cavalry may be important.

John Watson

Cavalry are a part of SCW rules, but not often used. If you look at the playsheet, which is on the PP website under "want to know more" in the Rules section of SCW, it might give you an idea.


Only just got the rules for BI and admit I have looked at having a Cavalry force. Having a free extra platoon can make a LOT of difference.  This is especially true if you also buy the extra platoon plus 5 extra bases. Can always start dismounted so get same saves as normal foot but the list of extra's and assets isn't as great.

Think they would be quite strong.


martin goddard

Cavalry can also remove some scenery .

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: martin goddard on March 06, 2024, 04:29:30 PMCavalry can alos remove some scnery .

martin :)

That was all part of Martin's cunning plan to sell more mounted troops, knowing you'd also need foot equivalents. Plus the extra platoon. A triple whammy.



Quote from: Colonel Kilgore on March 06, 2024, 05:21:58 PM
Quote from: martin goddard on March 06, 2024, 04:29:30 PMCavalry can alos remove some scnery .

martin :)

That was all part of Martin's cunning plan to sell more mounted troops, knowing you'd also need foot equivalents. Plus the extra platoon. A triple whammy.

Mounted troops are never too much ;)  ::)

Leman (Andy)

Hi Daniele, I have played a lot of Square Bashing, from the Franco-Prussian War to the Russo-Polish and Russian Civil War. In my mind they are an excellent set of rules and have produced some of my most enjoyable games. However, I have not played the other two rule sets mentioned, but it does sound to me that SB plus one of the other sets would give you all sorts of possibilities for the Balkan Wars.You could probably use Egyptian heads from the Colonial Heads range as Turks in the older uniform.