Western Gunfight rules

Started by Moggy, September 14, 2023, 05:50:13 PM

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With the inherant inaccuracy of the pistols of the time due to poor uneven quality powder, warped and damaged barrels and lack of aiming could go on for quite a while.

I do recall, a few years ago now, and I don't know if it was really true about one gunfight between 2 gunfighters where they both stopped to reload after both loosing off their 6 rounds, before recommencing.

Lucky to hit the side of a barn at 20 foot in those days. That's what I "love" about the Hollywood version. 1 shot and a guy falls off a roof 100 foot away. Would have been lucky to hit the building!.


Smiley Miley 66

My Favourite rules were always "Rules with No Name" but I found they played best with 54mm figures no conversions with the rules, played as per rules. Pistol to pistol at 8 inches looked about right with the big figures. With 28mm was ok and 15mm looked way too far apart.


That's the first 2 buildings done. Suitable rustic and ramshackle I think. Lots of lessons learnt (hopefully).

Yep, even have working doors and floorboards inside.

Next I think a 2 storey saloon.


Colonel Kilgore

Very nice, Derek - I love the dusty look!



Thank you Simon.

Now working on a windmill/water pump. 

I think my wife just summed it up nicely for me. These buildings and structures were all built by hand with whatever is to hand. The builders were not trained builders or engineers, didn't have plans and just made it work however they could.  Now, do I try to get the windmill to turn or not or is that one step too far??  LOL.


Colonel Kilgore

I think we need more animation in our games, Derek. I was discussing with Miles adding lighting effects to his Factory game (he's so far refused to have trains actually running).

So my vote is for your windmill to turn, and ideally the incorporation of a little motor to help it do so.

I know we're not doing model railways, but a little dynamism on the table (e.g. Stewart's flashing Vietnam stonk markers) can look really good.



There is usually a surplus of hot air when we game anyway. Thought I would harness that and have anyone found guilty standing at the end of the table blowing. If I was an electrician I could wire it up to power Miles's train set!

ha ha ha.  Better stop on this theme while almost still ahead! :)



Wind-pump is done. Yes it works!  OK it doesn't actually pump water but it goes round and the wind-blades turn under their own power.

Next will be to get some figures painted. Well, after I am back from my hols.


Stewart 46A

Colonel Kilgore


Beautiful houses and wind-pump !

Super work !


Apologies a bit late to the thread but...... Your buildings look great Derek and I have some top secret information to depart as you're using 28mm (washes his mouth out  ;D ). Whilst at Colours I saw Stuart from Great Escape and in his obvious shock that I was still alive (I'm so used to it I recognise the look!) he let me into a secret; that they're releasing plastic buildings to go with the range soon. It may have already been announced but hopefully that's something to look forwards to.



Now I have recovered from jet-lag working on the next building.

Saloon - Ground floor done. Will be working on second storey next.

Yep has a bar fitted and a large bar-room mirror.  Decided not to have much else inside. The bar presents a substantial piece of cover so..... and I just liked the idea of the mirror. lol



That's the Saloon finished

Without the roof . Yep, rooms to navigate and fight over.

and if I just want a single storey building

Next on the list is a livery and feed building. Then the gallows. All that's left then is minor street furniture/fencing etc.


Colonel Kilgore

That's a might fine-looking building, Derek!

I like the "distressed" look of the timber.
