New look

Started by Sean Clark, August 19, 2023, 12:31:21 AM

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I vote for the old format!
Much easier to read and use.

Sean Clark

Yep. This new version is just not as intuitive or friendly to navigate. Certainly the mobile version anyway.  But change is change and there's no going back.

Leman (Andy)

I think for those members who are disgruntled, and also those of us who are just interested, the no going back needs to be explained.

Sean Clark

I think it's by virtue of the software
Simon uses has been updated and that the older version is no longer supported. So it's out of Simon's hands.


QuoteI think for those members who are disgruntled, and also those of us who are just interested, the no going back needs to be explained.

It's the underlying scripting language that is getting to end of life. The version of PHP the old forum was on is getting to the point where ISPs are starting to remove it. It was certainly not being updated with any security patches .

We could have muddled along for a while longer, but I find it better to keep up to date to avoid the run around when there is an active deadline.

SMF 2.1 is very different from SMF 2.0, so it will take a bit of getting used to

Leman (Andy)

Colonel Kilgore

After my initial gripes and issues, I think I'm now getting used to this "new look" on both mobile and laptop. And I think I like it  :)

While I still find it harder to navigate the whole page than previously, I don't think I need to do so any more. It's very easy to click on the "Unread Posts" button at the top of the page and go straight to new stuff, which is generally how I access the Forum.

Have others come over to this new look and feel to the Forum?


martin goddard

When the new is less good than the old that is a shame.
Thanks to Simon for navigating the rapids.

"The people want what the people get" (read that three times).  The Jam.

martin :)


QuoteWhen the new is less good than the old that is a shame.

There is a lot of unseen benefit to all this remember. The main one being that we continue forward on a supported versions of the software !

Colonel Kilgore

Thank you Simon for tweaking things to show the information we wanted to see. Having a personal choice of template has also been very helpful.

I think you just need to reinstate that "buy me a cappuccino" button?  :D


Big Mike

Thank you Simon. It works for me.

Sean Clark

Yep, all of my grumpy old git feelings are now but a distant memory.

I'm back to being a satisfied old curmudgeon.


QuoteI think you just need to reinstate that "buy me a cappuccino" button?  :D

I've moved it to the using the forum board. The new forum is a lot more picky about it handles external widgets.

Colonel Kilgore

Ah, that could be why you've been a bit thirsty for a few days then, Simon  :D


Leslie BT

Great new version for the forum.  Thank you to the administrators for all their work.