PayPal button not working on store

Started by BeneathALeadMountain, July 17, 2023, 12:00:53 AM

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Apologies if this is a known thing but over the last couple of days I've tried to buy a few packs (LRDG bits) and the PayPal button (or the other options) doesn't seem to be working (It returns a button not working message). This may be due to me using an iPad or something else but I thought I aught to bring it up in case it's an actual problem.



Same problem, very annoying..
Not using an iPad, but my pc.
AMHA the Peter Pig team should take a serious look at this problem, before it may discourage potential buyers...


martin goddard

This comes up quite a lot (once per week) .
Julie has spent hours trying to find what the problems are.
I agree it is a real nuisance and might put customers off. Very sorry for that.

Part of our problem is that a customer tells us that  the paypal is not working. Bad news.
We suggest a few ideas to get it working.
The customer gets it working (good news) but does not tell us what they changed in order to get it working.

This is natural. When things work no action needed.
Also people are not going to report back that they made a mistake.

It would be great if folk reported what they did to make it work as we can pass that on to others.
We certainly do not want to lose business, but we never get to hear what caused the problem.
Maybe paypal did not work and we lost an order/customer? We have no way of knowing at present.

Here is a page with lots of ideas.,address%20common%20issues%20with%20PayPal.

martin :-\

If Andy and Pierre can get it working please let me know how you did it.
I bought the LRDG pack using my mobile phone on a  different network and was OK.
I did use paypal  last week and the Paypal refused the transacion as "e mail not recognised" . I re-checked the e mail a few times and it was correct.


Quote from: martin goddard on July 17, 2023, 10:14:10 AM
If Andy and Pierre can get it working please let me know how you did it.

Hi Martin,
It happened to my two last orders; both times RomanCart and Paypal refused the transaction (card number not recognised, even with my wife's card or with a "virtual" card number - I tried about 6 times, each with a different way, even using my mobile phone); both times I reported to Julie and Nigel, and they send me a Paypal link that worked so that the orders were finally completed.


martin goddard

Thank you Pierre.

Sounds a real pain for you . Very sorry.
Your feedback is helpful.
Thanks again

martin :)


Martin, I will keep trying and report back. Not complaining just didn't want it to go unnoticed and PP suffer.


Leman (Andy)

It's not me but the poster who gives his name as Andrew, presumably to differentiate himself from me.


I'm a different Andrew but fine with any variant of my name.

To add some miniature talk to this technical message thread I'm excited to be trying to buy Martins new LRDG crew and heads and some other bits to populate the resin LRDG half patrol vehicles being printed for me. I'm also waiting for the arrival of DAK attack rules for solo LRDG shenanigans so I can use the desert (admittedly more Tunisia) terrain and German/Italian forces I have stalled in completing. If you are one of the people that managed to buy the resin sheet of prickly pear cacti with weird glue (Martin?) when I was looking do you have any hint on where to find them? I missed them and can't find any trace.

Back to tech:

I've tried again using my iPad and got the message stating there was a problem loading the PayPal button.

I went to my high tech Samsung pocket computerised telephone thing (I use it for pictures of models and my pets and very, very occasionally to phone people) and when I got to the payment option for Roman cart the PayPal button was "slightly transparent " or greyed out - like a place holder for a button. Again I got the message saying there was a problem loading the PayPal button

I will keep investigating (which will involve repeatedly trying to buy more minis and hassling my technically minded friend) and report back. If you want to see the screen shots from my iPad and phone I can email those to you if you suggest the correct address.



QuoteIf you are one of the people that managed to buy the resin sheet of prickly pear cacti with weird glue (Martin?) when I was looking do you have any hint on where to find them? I missed them and can't find any trace.

Serious Play.
No longer a registered user on eBay.
Comments elsewhere suggest no longer trading and unfulfilled orders.........
Did you post on LAF about Pegasus cacti being too big?

BTW, to stop any confusion, any "Andys" should change their name to Ken, yeah that'll work....or Simon ☺

Neil (1 of 2)

martin goddard

Andy= Holland  Andrew = under the mountain of lead?

martin :)

martin goddard

Who wants the "serious play" cactii?

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: Panzer21 on July 17, 2023, 04:29:31 PM

BTW, to stop any confusion, any "Andys" should change their name to Ken, yeah that'll work....or Simon ☺

Neil (1 of 2)

And Simons become Richards, who become Martins?

I think that should work nicely,

Richard XIV  ;)


Panzer21 Yes (I think so) I'm BeneathALeadMountain on LAF aswell. The Pegasus ones are lovely but seem far too big for the one true and chosen scale. It's my own fault for not managing my hobby funds better when they were first found. I'm specifically trying to do Tunisia and the prickly pear patches were an important bit of terrain I wanted have available.

Thank you for pointing me to Serious Play, shame I missed them, I shall continue hunting (or maybe I should go back to sculpting and home casting some if I can).

Thank you all, I shall continue to keep trying to buy my LRDG crews from the site and keep you updated



I've just tried to purchase my shopping cart again - whilst the PayPal and Pay by card buttons both stated they'd failed to load this time (again) when I clicked the proceed to checkout button and it took me to fill out my details below there was (now) a button to take me to the card payment system (every previous time there had been no button present and this option had previously seemed like a dead end) so I paid through that.

So hopefully I've purchased my small list of chaps but still not with the lazy, one button PayPal option (which is still temperamental - I think it must be the button as I had the same issue on Android and iPad). I will ask my friend when I next speak to him in case it's a known thing, sorry I couldn't be more help.


martin goddard

Andrew I have a set if the serious play cacti if you would like them.
Just send me an e mail when you next order and I will put them in.

martin :)