The SCW day on 8th July 2023

Started by martin goddard, July 08, 2023, 05:07:34 PM

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martin goddard

That was a nice day.
A very noisy Entoyment. Ouch!

There were 12 players plus others who were interested in joining in too.

I have a couple of pictures.
I am £5 up on the table hire too. I will dedicate this to a nice sandwich this week. Thanks chaps.

The games got done very quickly. Obviously a lot of experienced players who made the games move along.

My Moors fought two games and drew both. A good result.

Other armies present were Regular army, International brigade, Assault guards, Requetes and Italians.

martin :)

martin goddard

Here are a few photos of the days games.


Stewart 46A

Good day I'd gaming
About 14 players
6 games
3 wins to the Nationalists
1 win to the republicans
2 draws
Thanks to the Entoyment team for their hospitality


Smoking gun

,Lovely photos.

Thank you,
Martin Buck

Colonel Kilgore

A big thank-you to Stewart and Martin for organising, and to everyone else who turned up to play. Particularly to Eric, who had to put up with me for both games!

My morning game saw my freshly-painted Italian CTV force (with lots of tankettes and "guns", as these were easier to paint than a bunch more infantry bases to get to the requisite points value!) pitted against Stewart's British International Brigade. Simon and Andy played Stewart (acting as umpire and advisor to both sides) and Eric.

A view from the Italian lines at the start of the game. As Attackers, we selected our anti-tank guns as the off-able unit (since our opponents had no tanks  :) ):

A view from the flank:

The Italians were fortunate that the British HE stonk early on caused little damage:

The two tankette units - with LMGs and flamethrowers, respectively - get trundling along the road:

We made a mistake in the initial use of the Italian field guns - placed on what was not a hill but dead ground (they made up for this later by trying to act as horse artillery and getting shot to pieces):

Meanwhile, the infantry have to walk:

Turn 1 went pretty well for the CTV:

The forward British units soon found themselves assaulted from all quarters:

It proved a mistake for the British command to come down off the safety of its knoll objective:

The Republican reinforcements managed to arrive in the Italian rear, but were immediately assaulted and, in defiance of the odds - nearly routed:

The following are a few shots from my second game - this time partnering Eric (using Carlists) against Miles's British International Brigadiers, playing on Miles's very nice terrain:



Wow !
Some very nice pictures with terrific sceneries, buildings ans houses...
I like very much this kind of battle reports...


Looks like a good day had by all.  Beautiful buildings Martin!


martin goddard

Yes Richard those houses are lovely (Grrrr)

martin :)

Smiley Miley 66

Thank you to Stewart and Martin for putting on a good day of gaming, also for the loan of the Mat ! Entoyment and the staff done a good job as usual. The big competition next to us was a bit noisy but ha ho.
Had 2 games, Attacked both times with my quite new force, of mainly PP British Home Guards with some British Infantry and 8th Army and a few "odd" troops of sorts that fit the needed bill ! With a load of Head changes, mainly Pith Helmets, Berets and a few others.
Thanks to those that complimented the Scenery, all the Partials are relatively new, done for Mediterranean style games.
Games. 2 games am and pm.
Lots of Luck and a little of bit of tactics with the right dice throws !
Won the first game 37-11
Lost the second game 39-17 ( +2 points for the special scenery !)
Managed to get the 3rd Platoon and recycle one of the Lost Platoons back onto the table, and bring both up the sides to try and capture 2 of the objectives, but both platoons were courageously stopped
At the bases of both ! So it wasn't for the lack of trying ?

Just a thought could we apply the special scenery to PBI ? As Martin does like to encourage well thought out scenery for the games when possible?