Colours 2023 and Beachead 2024

Started by Smiley Miley 66, May 15, 2023, 05:37:55 PM

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martin goddard

Colonel Kilgore

Well, it is in the same country...  ::)


Smiley Miley 66

I ve made it so it does fit in my car. I did measure it and I ve also actually fitted into the car too. Good job my Back seats fold better on this  Zafira?
Must admit the boards are heavier than I was hoping, but ha ho. That will be the materials used for the roads and buildings ? Discarded Speedboat matting.
Piggy day up North I am taking Hammerin Iron as it is a lot easier to transport.
I think a game that some people up there really want to play as well ?
As I have quite a range of ships well suited for those who want to try out many variables of ships, classes and types ?