Battle day 2023 result

Started by Stewart 46A, May 13, 2023, 09:20:53 PM

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Stewart 46A

Thanks to everyone that attended,
12 players , 6 games played
American 3 wins
British 2 wins
Draw 1

I hope the new players found the day interesting,
It is a complex rule set with the pre game and the 'flank March'


Sean Clark

So the Colonialists have kicked the British out. C'est la vie.

Hopefully all had a good time. How did Derek's Loyalist army fair?


Good days gaming. thanks to all who attended.

Got badly mauled in first game (only my second game) then had a squecky win in the second one.

Needed to tweek the list a bit but they didn't embarass themselves
Thanks Sean


martin goddard

Grand day out.
Good to get together  for gaming with the gang.
Next up  CWB. I think we are all more familiar with these rules.

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

That looks (nice tables - thanks for the photos, Stewart) and sounds like a good day's gaming of an under-played ruleset.
Sorry I couldn't join you this time.

John Watson

It was a good day. Thank you Stewart and Martin. Good to see some new faces joining in and also to see Alan back in action.

Sean Clark

Theres a chance I can make CWB.

Careful though. Everyone will be getting used to using rulers again!

Big Mike

Yes, a good day indeed. My American cookies and special hat helped.
Thanks to Martin and Stewart and all those who took part.

Getting two games of AWI done and dusted in one day (10 - 6) was quite a feat, even when some of us knew the rules.
Maybe we should consider 'The Long Game' for some PP rule sets. CWB may be one of them. In other words have one game running all day to have more time for newer players to assimilate the rules.   
Just a thought. 

martin goddard

The cookies were very nice Mike :)

thank you

martin :)

Smiley Miley 66

A very good day. Thank you Stewart and Martin for organising and thanks to Entoyment for there usual hosting skills and thanks to everyone else there. Thanks to Chris for using his British forces.