SCW day at Entoyment 6th May 2023

Started by martin goddard, May 06, 2023, 06:24:30 PM

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martin goddard

John, Miles and martin had a good day of fights at Entoyment.
We played 2 games

game 1 = Assault guards versus assault guards. Someone won  a small victory. Not sure who?
game 2= Assault guards v army. Assault guards won a  small victory.

We used the "dungeon" room. Lots of chaps dropped in, which was very nice.
Played from 9am to 5pm with plenty of tea breaks, browsing and chatting.


martin :)

martin goddard

Smoking gun

Hi Martin,
It looks like a nice table set up. Is that your Sicily mat?

Best wishes,
Martin Buck

Colonel Kilgore

Did you have a private gaming room too?


martin goddard

Yes martin it is the Sicily mat. I am using this type of mat for CK, SCW and Vietnam.  Probably too much  of a  same thing?
I really like the Sicily mat because it fades from green to sand.
The  surface texture is great too.

The room is at Entoyment and cost £30 for the whole day. Good value.

martin :)

John Watson

An excellent day and a great antidote to coronation fever.
1st battle saw miles and my Assault Guards win a moderate fight against Martin's Assault Guards.
2nd battle saw Martin and Miles Assault Guards  beat John's Republican Army in the very last assault of the game. The points difference was 9. The Republicans ran out of infantry to hold the central objective and had to rely on two armoured cars and two medium tanks to try to hold the objective. A last gasp pointless frontal assault (would Martin ever do something like that) by the Assault Guard's two bases of infantry push the Republican armour out of the objective.
There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth in the bodegas tonight.

Smiley Miley 66

A very good thank, thank you Martin and John for a good day.
By the way the Buildings do look very good ! LoL
2 very good games and both games were won with last go Assaults on Central objectives.
The 2 nd game was won with the added bonus of a MMG that quite sweeping an area, one of the squares was the central Objective. Even though Martin did criticise me originally keeping the MMG on this hill, it did pay off keeping it there, even though I was going to move it later in the game, glad I didn't !
This is a very Bloody game and uses up a lot of "Men" and materials
A good day of course a good looking Bring and Buy and as well.

martin goddard

The  Bayonet and ideology rules are nice and simple. This is partially due to the weapon types being all pretty similar.
I fancy playing some more of this soon.
I might even make a special scenery piece to gain 2 extra win points.

martin :)

Smiley Miley 66

Here are some of my pictures.
Showing the Aircraft bombing runs.
And assaults situations
"Those buildings really do look lovely!"
As everyone always says. Shame that someone doesn't make them ? If only a limited run ?
Maybe a Kickstart type of order style ? Take and pay for the orders before they are made ?
I would certainly by the whole range if they were made ?

martin goddard

Your pictures are really good Miles.
Who is that handsome chap?

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

That was a nice-looking set-up - well done chaps.


Sean Clark

Wonderful as ever.

Ava won her semi final 3:0 so is the final this Saturday against a team who have won every game all season. Wish her luck!


Those buildings are by the Drum I believe. I have a load of them. As Martin will attest to, the moulds  are pretty rubbish these days. SHQ used to sell them. Might be worth a Google search.


The Drum Spanish Buildings

Not listed under SHQ current ranges.
TMP post suggests sold to Scotia Grendal who were hoping to release in 2020....
Not listed on SG website....


Leslie BT

Sean all the best for Ava on Saturday, hope she and her team can manage a win!!

Smiley Miley 66

After Saturdays game I am determined to put a "rag tag Republican type army" together, using the British forces I used for the Crete game along with British Home guard figures and others. They may not be 100% accurate but they should look the part especially once I ve added some PP SCW figures proper. But for now it's what I have in my boxes. I've done a load of Head Swaps as well, so Pith Helmets, Berets, and other hats are in there too?
Also painting up a load of Scots which will be Raw (Territorial troops) for SB but will also make up a makeshift company for SCW for now ! Also included is a Naval company which could be my 4th company if needed ?
Like I said they may be a stretch of the imagination but for now will do.