
Started by Forst22, April 09, 2023, 07:21:01 AM

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Just looking at these amended rules as an interesting change, having played SB for many years (RCW)

Can I just clarify the levels of Assets you normally allow for such games?

I can only see the ability to buy some upgrades using the random force selection? This suggests very few dice and a restricted range of assets.

Do you use any others like a base line allowance or is it simply the bought ones so they are very rare!



In addition to my query about the baseline assets normally used for French and German for this game, I have noticed that the v3 Waltersnaff rules say occupancy is 2 units ( plus its gun/skirmishers, but example 3 has a veteran unit trying to move through 2 regulars to attack the French, which appears to suggest 3 in the square! Which is correct?I

martin goddard

Hello Graham
Andy and Simon are doing these rules.
A wave to them might get some thoughts.

Simon and Andy......can you help please?

martin :)

Leman (Andy)

I have never noticed the 2 units limit. As previous editions, plus the regular Square Bashing, have a 3 unit limit, I can only assume the 2 is a misprint, as a 2 limit would make an assault almost impossible to achieve.

Unfortunately I don't understand the assets question so cannot answer it.


Version 3 seems to have omitted the two standard army lists :o. This gives you the 'base' assets + those you buy (if you use random force generation

Here they are from v2. I'll try to add them to V3 and re-release

Regarding the 2nd question. Unit occupancy is 2. The example (2) is probably a bit misleading. Occupancy is all just standard SB rules (p41) in that a unit can moving and 'overload' a square. One unit is then pushed back at the end of the move phase (5) before the assault phase (6). Assaults happen after all movement, so in the example the moving player must move R1 or R2 out of the square (before the assault) , or the defending player gets to choice which one is displayed toward the baseline.

QuoteI can only assume the 2 is a misprint, as a 2 limit would make an assault almost impossible to achieve.

Let's not forget that the each assaulter get +4 dice (rather than +3 in the SB rules). So 2 units + a skirmisher /MG /ART is 9 dice. (same as SB max assault). You also get +3 for rear supporting square & 1 for each flanking squares (so assaulting support squares = +5, compared to +4 in normal SB).

Leman (Andy)

As I recall at one time there was also an army list for the French 1870-71 Republican armies. As this was a particularly interesting phase of the war I would love to see this restored.

As all Prussian troops, but especially fusiliers, were trained to skirmish, then it should be possible to field some of these so that a German army can have up to four skirmish units, as per the list, without them necessarily being jaegers. Bavarians fielded far more jaeger units and the French fielded far more chasseur units.


As I recall at one time there was also an army list for the French 1870-71 Republican armies.

There is ... there was whole lot more when we looked at expanding the rules . However , when Richard passed then it just became cut down to Risorgimento. The v3 Franco Prussian list must have gone walkabout then. I'll dig them out when I've got a mo


This is interesting, so what would be a good sample force to use - numbers wise?


Leman (Andy)

As a solo player I tend to use the card drawing system. That way I can't actually fiddle a super army, even subconsciously. It also speeds up the asset acquisition process. It does mean you will need to have more cavalry to hand than using the normal army building system, but who doesn't like to have lots of colourful FPW cavalry units available.

I have just drawn 6 Prussian and 6 French cards giving the following result:
2 regular cavalry
1 reservist cavalry
8 reservist infantry
1 regular infantry
1 professional infantry
1 regular jaeger
1 professional jaeger
6 Krupp guns -rifled breach loader

3 regular cavalry
1 reservist infantry
7 regular infantry
2 professional infantry
1 regular chasseur
4 guns - rifled muzzle loader

The number of units about right for the two armies. If you prefer to put your own armies together you can adjust the training quality. The assets are given on the army lists and additional assets can be obtained either by using th cards or in the normal pre-game method.


Thanks Andy, the card system is a good idea as you say stops the super army.




The costs are here

The army list is 600pts.

So a dozen infantry will take up the core, with a smattering of Artillery and Cavalry


Thanks Simon, Ben and I are looking to give this a go.


Leman (Andy)

I have played FPW for more than forty years now in various scales. Do you have any preferences for scales and figures?


Hi Andy
Going 15mm, have just brought some OG Prussians from Timecast, to start with. Will use my PP early French WW1 as proxy 1870 to get going and add other in time. Did think about Pendraken but have buildings/scenery for 15mm, so keep it simple really.



actually getting 15mm figures for this period is quite challenging.... or maybe I'm just picky.

OG are too dynamic for my liking. I do have some QRF and they are OK. Essex and Outpost do comprehensive ranges so neither are to my taste.