Using paper figures

Started by martin goddard, April 07, 2023, 08:46:57 AM

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martin goddard

In the last three years there have been quite a few new packs of paper cut out or pre cut (Wofun) figures brought out.
Flats gaming rotated trough 90'.

Is this part of gaming becoming more interesting to you, less interesting or never seen it?

martin :)

sukhe_bator (Neil)

I have never seen the attraction other than for use as paper targets in an H G Wells 'Little Wars' game. Even then there would not be the satisfying clunk of the stricken figure... the same goes for 'flats' which I always thought was just one small step up from the toy theatre kind of C19 toy. I can appreciate the skill in making a flat look 3D but why not just have a 3D figure to enjoy?


Martin Smith

There are a few posts on fb where players use the paper figures eg from for reasons of economy - they simply don't have the funds to do full on wargaming. Others try a game using paper figures to 'try before you buy'...see if the rules are for them or not.
There are some supreme efforts, using a lot of artistic skills and clever use of backing colours and cutting techniques.

Not my 'thing', but credit to their commitment levels 👍🏼👍🏼

Colonel Kilgore

The Peter Dennis books are great for painting inspiration, even if you don't cut out his paper figures.


martin goddard

I have the Peter Dennis book for the scenery etc.
I am too young to have ever used flats.
I have made some "top down" figures to test out some game mechanisms in the past.

I think 3D prints will sweep away flats once reliable/sturdy printers are common in every home (?)

martin :)

Leman (Andy)

Well, for those of us who are now beyond our 70th birthday it does provide a quick way to get an army on the table. I first had a go with the Peter Dennis ACW Paperboys, about 10 years ago. I made the mistake of trying to cut out all the see through areas, such as between the legs and around rifles and bayonets. I could not manage that. Since then I have considered cutting them out in rectangular blocks and colouring the spaces in blu, green or brown. However, I then moved on to the WoFun 18mm Italian Wars and Flodden ranges. I have a collection of metal Italian Wars figures in 15mm, but most are not (yet?) painted. I did have a numerous 10mm Flodden collection, but unfortunately I am not a painting factory any longer, so sold them to a friend who is, and he is already fielding them. Consequently I think these instant armies serve a very important function for those of us who want to play with painted armies but can't hang about two or three years while the army gets painted.

Further, I think to dismiss them as toys is off the mark in exactly the same way as I got bollocked for mocking fantasy. Also, I have seen some of these 3D printed things and have yet to be impressed by any of the ones under 28mm. It is 28mm metal that seems to be most under threat from 3D printing and plastic.