Are latin phrases dying out in wargaming or becoming more popular?

Started by martin goddard, April 06, 2023, 12:30:30 PM

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martin goddard

John Watson

John Watson

Damn corrective text! I'll try again.....
Caesar adsum iam forte
Passus sum sed Antoni


Latin was mandatory in my schools up till 13.  I doubt that is the case these days. Mind you I was crap at it....

Colonel Kilgore

I think that, as the general (UK) population as a whole becomes less aware of Latin, its everyday use as well as in wargaming is likely to decrease.

Which is, I think, a pity.



Can someone please remind my of any Latin phrases that were in use? I can't think of any off the top of my head.


martin goddard

Massive number of latin phrases used in every day life. i.e, e.g, ibid, loco parentis, m.o. , etc...
I don't think they will die out very soon.
Of course they are  much used in text but less so in conversation, unless one is trying to Johnson/impress others.

I was focussing on wargame use. These spring to mind. They are all ancient based too. This might be a factor.

DBxx group of rules,
Naumachia (?)

martin :)


Alea iacta est were a set (which ended up in translation).

sukhe_bator (Neil)

"Pugnare elephantos periculosus est"
The only Latin I remember from my Uni days. Latin phrases stating the bleedin' obvious...


Sean Clark

I was trying to remember the Latin for 51, 6 and 500 the other day. When I couldn't remember them I was Livid.

An old joke from way back when.

My 12 year old daughter is studying Latin at senior school. I'm not sure she grasps the need for it !

sukhe_bator (Neil)

It'll be worth a few extra grand a year for her if she becomes a medic or a lawyer!


martin goddard

Have there been any new words  in wargaming you use or want to use from other world sources?
For example: Chinese, Arab, African, religion, technology, commerce?

Of course, figure gaming has not crossed significantly into wider society.

I don't mean use of "wrong English" such as faction and mechanic.

martin :)


Quote from: martin goddard on April 07, 2023, 08:31:02 AM
Have there been any new words  in wargaming you use or want to use from other world sources?
For example: Chinese, Arab, African, religion, technology, commerce?

Of course, figure gaming has not crossed significantly into wider society.

I don't mean use of "wrong English" such as faction and mechanic.

martin :)

I think we should bring back some words that have fallen out of use; perhaps wargames rules should be written in the style of the historical period...

"Should your troops receive particularly galling and heavy fire, the will find themselves discombobulated and be forced to retire 3 toises..."

" And lo, thou shalt begin the smiting after all fleetness of foot has ended; thou shalt only smite those against whom thy troops are ranked in order.... "

Perhaps not......☺


Martin Smith

Controfibularities on the choice of examples, Neil 👍🏼👍🏼