Battle cloth from B&M

Started by Sean Clark, April 03, 2023, 01:25:22 AM

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Sean Clark

Saw this elsewhere and though it might be of interest if you have a B&M near to you. Apparently it's around 5x3 in size. Nice to know that people are catching onto Peter Pig table sizes.

Colonel Kilgore

Sorry, Sean, but what is "B&M"?



It's alright Simon; it's not some kind of sexual kink...... ;D
They are a chain of cheap discount stores, not sure if they are everywhere in the UK.


Colonel Kilgore

Ah - thanks Neil. We have lots of B&Q down here, but I suspect that B&M may be a slightly more Northern thing.


martin goddard

I did look at these when shopping recently.
The ones I saw were fitted (ie elasticated).
B+M is fairly common in Dorset (4 off).

martin :)


We even have some B&M in Hampshire as well!

IS the nice soft and fluffy for when you fail morale or when you roll a whole bunch of 1s?


Colonel Kilgore

Ah - I see now that we even have a B&M where I am. I really should get out more...


Ben Waterhouse

Quote from: Colonel Kilgore on April 03, 2023, 08:04:16 AM
Ah - thanks Neil. We have lots of B&Q down here, but I suspect that B&M may be a slightly more Northern thing.


Mines around the corner... on the Isle of Wight.... :)

Sean Clark

Derek, if all else fails you can also sleep under it. I imagine it's quite warm. I'll try and pick one up tomorrow or some field research.

Leman (Andy)

I had something very similar years ago which I randomly paint sprayed with a darker green and a tan brown which gave a very effective affect.

Mines around the corner probably precludes sailing in the Solent at present!

Smoking gun

I had to go to Poundstretcher yesterday, they have similar throws, this is the largest they have:

Approximately 6ft 6in x 4ft 11in, available in other colours including a dark brown but no suitable green in my local store.

Best wishes,
Martin Buck

martin goddard

Ricard showed me his.
Jolly good.

martin :)


B&M offer two sizes 48" x 59" and about a foot big on both dimensions.  I got dark green, they also had light (sage) and muddy brown amongst various other colours.  Only £5 for the smaller size.



Quote from: martin goddard on April 05, 2023, 04:41:48 PM
Ricard showed me his.
Jolly good.

martin :)

As long as it was with your consent......☺

