Fm battle day

Started by Stewart 46A, March 26, 2023, 02:45:26 PM

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Stewart 46A

Entoyment battle day
6 games
13 players


Colonel Kilgore

Nice-looking games, Stewart. Well done on everyone who could make it.

Gathering 13 players is a great achievement!


Big Mike

Yes a grand day out! Well done to Stewart and all who took part.
For  the players less familiar with the rules, they were able to get stuck in and enjoy the game.

Smiley Miley 66

A good day out. Thank you Stewart and all.
Shame myself and Chris didn't win a game ?
Mike managed to pull off a Flank charge with a large Cavalry' unit that secured the second objective, which won the rebels the game.
Stewart managed to make ground while mine and Chris's forces spluttered on the flanks, never really achieving much. So again the American forces lost this one too.


Sean Clark

13 players shows the strength of RFCM rules. Wonderful achievement.  Glad you all had a good day. Sad I missed it but my eye is much better and I'll be down for the one after Viking day.