Amusing title for Napoleonic rules

Started by martin goddard, March 26, 2023, 12:06:37 PM

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If Martin saw his way to doing just 1 napoleonic nation, for example  Danish 1813 that's a side of bacon I'd  be interested in definitely.  :)


That's what the camp follower were employed to do..... All the repairs - OK, Hands up who thought they were only there to cook!. LOL



Quote from: John Watson on March 28, 2023, 07:13:31 PM
What always baffled me about Napoleonics was the portrayal of figures for battle. At the start of a campaign the army might have nice new uniforms and I know that it was often considered good form to go into battle in your best uniform. But those nice new uniforms very quickly became dusty, torn and blood stained and so your best uniform was probably little better than rags. Yet very few manufacturers produced campaign weary figures; only parade ground johnnies.

I remember an article many years ago that suggested "multi-purpose Napoleonic armies" by collecting as many possible figures in greatcoats and shako covers, painting them in various greys and browns with suggestions of rags around the feet with toes poking out. Different equipment could be rationalised as captures from the enemy. Separate command stands in identifiable national uniforms would be all that was needed to differentiate armies, although it was suggested even these could be in greatcoats with the colours in their oilskin covers.....
Cavalry were harder, but it was suggested cloaks could cover a multitude of sins.....
Lots of mud (and dysentery?) stains added with rags and straw, hey presto.

As I describe it, it sounds more like "Turnip 28" ( Google it).

Sean Clark

Napoleonics sacking a city sounds intriguing.

Is this a mini game for the Mil?

martin goddard

The idea is to use the pirate land raid rules.
These rules are nice and easy.
Should only need a few changes from the Pirate version.
It will be a proper set albeit a short set.

Mainly based on the Peninsular war sieges.
French attacking or British attacking.
Very few packs needed.
The game scenario takes place after the besiegers have broken in.
Maybe a wall along the "harbour" edge.
Scurvy defenders  become  disorganised resistance and other locals.

This should be a great little game ( because I enjoy the pirate and raid) needing about 20 bases of 3 attackers/officers and similar for defenders.
This would require a soldier pack, officer pack, dead pack.    x2.

CK nearly done. PBI 2020 starts then. A busy year??

martin :)

John Watson

I trust the figures will be in campaign dress and not parade ground uniforms. No Old Guard unless you do a Russian scenario.

Leman (Andy)

I think the French in greatcoats figures, which began to appear about 20 or so years ago, was a major breakthrough for people wanting quick, generic French armies, but still too late for me to get into it, especially after seeing many behemoth games at the club. A member told me he had been involved in one such group megagame. He got his first move after 4 hours. I kid you not!!!

martin goddard

Good uniform thinking there.
When the rules are being written we can set up a new forum on the RFCM forum ( I will ask Simon nearer the time) to chat and develop it.

martin :)

Sean Clark

Dont forget 'what if' scenarios of French landing on the south coast...Weymouth bound!

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: martin goddard on March 29, 2023, 09:25:53 AM

Should only need a few changes from the Pirate version.
It will be a proper set albeit a short set.

Sounds great, Martin.

Although I am getting a sense of déjà vu from other recent rule-writing efforts (C&K springs to mind...) that started off as minor tweaks :)


martin goddard

Sean Clark

I did start jotting ideas down to use Pirate Land raids for a Robin Hood v the Sheriff of Nottingham style game. Either Robin enters a town where the Sheriff has his money from tax gathering, or else turn the Pirate board into woodland and its the Sheriffs men looking to capture Robin.

If I ever get further than thinking hard about it, I'll sned something into the Mill.


Just to throw a spanner into the works....
The first time I played PBI at a show in Ghent, many moons ago (snow terrain IIRC), I went away thinking (a) What a great game!, and (b) How can I transfer the grid system to low level engagements in the Peninsula?
The butterfly effect intervened however, and sadly nothing much was done.  Nevertheless, I like to think it might have worked
Best to the PP Team.  Keep up the great work!

martin goddard

Thnak you Stephen.
It is good when gamers get thinking.
It makes the hobby "tingle".

Nice to see rules ideas here.
Derek is working on his French and Indian wars.

martin :)

Leman (Andy)

There's also the fun and frolics in Pembrokeshire, when the French landed.

Another possible title, "OCD Go!"