A look a an independent manufacturer.

Started by Leslie BT, March 25, 2023, 02:17:08 PM

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Colonel Kilgore

Thanks for posting Les. This is clearly a very recent video, as it features the latest releases!

The Peter Pig bit is from 8:50 to 40:50.


Leman (Andy)

I like the amount of time they spent on the WotR range. My brother should be turning up on Friday with a couple of packs of the poorer (Welsh)bowmen.

Sean Clark

How nice to see Peter Pig portrayed in such a positive light. I've watched On Table Top for years. They are good people.


Quote from: Leman (Andy) on March 26, 2023, 11:15:35 AM
I like the amount of time they spent on the WotR range. My brother should be turning up on Friday with a couple of packs of the poorer (Welsh)bowmen.

Indeed I shall if all goes to plan

Leman (Andy)

Jimmy James

Righto - did these guys used to be at Beasts of War?!

Smashing piece though, nice to see it so positive and thorough

Sean Clark


Yes, they rebranded  for some reason to On Table Top. Still the same presenters though.

Leman (Andy)

Probably rebranded to avoid people assuming they were purely interested in fantasy gaming.