You have most paints by

Started by martin goddard, March 19, 2023, 04:27:29 PM

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martin goddard

Assuming you paint  15mm figures.
What paints do you have the most of.

I mostly have cheap Ceramcoat paints. After that I have a lot of Vallejo paints. A few MiG and army painter ones.
How about the "two thin coats" paints.

martin :)


Virtually all Vallejo for me nowadays, after many years of GW citadel paints.


Colonel Kilgore

Mostly Vallejo. A bunch of Coat d'arms. Some Games, Workshop / Citadel, Humbrol and Army Painter.


Leman (Andy)

A very large collection of Vallejo. A goodly selection of Citadel Contrast, after a failed experiment with the orinal Army Painter Speedpaints. A nice collection of Green Stuff paints for a particular project, plus a few acrylic Craft paints from the likes of Anita's and Americana.


These days i mostly work with Vallejo but i have an equal number of Humbrol acrylics stored away including several of the discontinued colours from the mid 1990s.


For 15 mm : I use 70% Vallejo, 20% Citadel and 10% Army Painters...  :)

Smoking gun

Humbrol Emanel, then Vallejo, smaller numbers of Coat d'Arms,  Army Painter, Tamiya and various craft paints.

Best wishes,
Martin Buck

Lluis of Minairons

A vast majority of Vallejo, with perhaps a handful of Americana and artcraft acrylics as support.

sukhe_bator (Neil)

Winsor and Newton acrylic paints and drawing ink, simples.



Probably equal mix of Foundry and Vallejo in terms of numbers, use Vallejo more. Still have old Citadel -the paints have outlasted the lids! Recently replaced some. Third are probably Colour Party, use the horse colours a lot.

Sean Clark

Mostly Coat d'Arms and Army Painter. Only use GW for their washes. A fair few Vallejo  as well.

Not tried 2 Thin Coats. I suspect they sell purely based on their name. Can't imagine they're any better or worse than any other paint.

When Speedpaint 2.0 lands I'll try them. I do have around a dozen GW Contrast paints come to think of it. I have way too much paint.

John Watson

Colour Party, Citadel, Citadel contrast, mostly. Also some Vallejo and Coat d'Arms. I also have various other brands that I can't recall the names of. Basically if the colour is right I don't care about the brand.

Smiley Miley 66

Mostly Vallejo. A load of Coat d'arms, Games Workshop / Citadel, Humbrol and Army Painter, Airfix, Revell and Tamiya  and others bought for specific colours and price. Also household paints mainly found doing my job. I ve probably got 500-600 paints mainly Arcrylic - water based.


50% craft standard acrylic art paints, 40% GW, 10% other

Big Mike

Mostly GW, some Vallejo and the odd Humbrol. My best find was a Revell
Reddish Brown Aqua that does well as chestnut brown for horses.