What is going on

Started by Sean Clark, December 11, 2022, 12:31:31 PM

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Sean Clark

Here is a challenge aimed at members of this forum who don't post very much if at all.

Tells us what's going on in your hobby. Give us a hobby tip. And what have you planned for your next project.

Let's get talking and make this a forum for all members, not just a handful who regularly post. We don't want the forum to appear like an old boys network! 😂🤣😅


Well I'm
1. Slowly painting ancient armies for Mortem et Gloriam Pacto level. Parthian, Early Imperial Roman and Hunnic done. Goths and Late Imperial Roman next up.
2. Finalising in draft form a C20 set of hex based battalion level rules
3. Slowly trying to put together a campaign world based on 2 main  Imagi Nation plus several hangers on (Bob Cordery's ideas a major help) to cover all eras of my figure collection c110AD to 1943....!
4. Rebasing ECW early Parliamentarian army for Renatio et Gloriam compatto scale

I lurk here for the painting inspiration and ideas in general.


Stewart 46A

I am planning my Carolingian force, primarily for 'Long ships' but may get a few extra bases for C&K.

Intend to look for a paining service to do the hard work as my failing eye sight and shaky hands make painting difficult.

Get to play games usually twice a week.

Early stage of planning games for Weymouth games weekend 2023

Hope everyone has a great Christmas and get more toys from Santa



Currently painting up some of the Kallistra spaceships. Bought 2 starter fleets (£14.50 each for 8 ships). Later ordered the Carriers plus fighters to go with the fleets. First fleet (less carriers and fighters) are about 70% done. Pics on completion.  Good models and value.

French-Indian War is starting to come together. Have bought various random bits for it off EBAy (some painted most not). Will have to go through it soon and work out what I have and will then need.  I feel I now have enough Militia and Native American troops and 3 Units of painted British and 2 of French.  I did promise Martin I will buy his figures for what is needed.  I think the next stage is to buy the AWI rulebook and see what is actually required under the rules.   Not sure if the rules will require any "adjustment" to allow for the 20 years earlier and different natures of the troops involved.  Currently reading French and Indian was: A history from beginning to End (native American History).  At 48 pages doubt it will be in great detail but its a primer for me. Then have to watch Last of the Mohicans and any other films of the period serveral times. :)


John Watson

I'm not going to post anything because I read Sean's opening comment.

Paul in NZ

Good idea Sean, for me too many things being painted/made and no gaming at all...although I've reverted to solo gaming anyway.

1. I've painted all the 15mm Medieval and Orc figures to represent my armies for WAM.  I found a few Alternative Armies Elves and a handful of Dwarves to support the good guys.  I also used some Kallistra Anglo-Saxon 12mm figures that have been rebased and will be using these as Halflings.
2. All the spare figures I've chopped up as dead figures for the same rules.
3. We dont have RUB boxes here, so found sone similar sized boxes in KMart and bought 2 metres of Receptive sheeting and Magnetic sheets.  Receptive sheeting now stuck into boxes and all my 10-15mm figures have magnetic basing added and they are now secure in new boxes.
4. Sold all my 28mm figures.... except a handful of early FPW figures that no body wanted to collect.
5. Experimented with making some cardboard based hills plus made some MDF 6x6 and 12x6 bases for future use...but may cut these down for 8x6.
6. Still adding to my Imagi-nation history set in the Vogtland/Erzgebirge, Saxony.  Like Rittervonbek this covers all of my figure collections on the same theme from around 1200 until 1940's, but mainly around 1730.  I've used my old imagination enemies ie Foxberg (French)and Panavia (British) from the 80's and now have added Erlehain (meaning Alder Grove) as this refers to the meaning of my wifes maiden name, plus the flag is her families coat of arms.  My nation was to use my name meaning Bear, but creating a German state of Saxe-Barenstein or Bärenstein as this links with the name Bear and also was a district/county in the Erzgebirge.  Maybe that's too close to a long lasting imagi-nation called Saxe-Bearstein that was lead by Jeff Hudelson, so I may need a new name.   Strangely the uniforms become very Greens vs the Yellow/Tans aka Army men haha
7. Now pondering interwar period, lots of infantry and a few AFV's following the same history above but using possibly AK47 rules... maybe in 10, 15 or 20mm??

Martin Smith

Current project - painting early crusaders in 15mm (Tin Soldier+Museum), and a small army as a prize for next year's Alton DBA. Medes, from 620-550 BC...2nd hand figures bought from Moggy, Essex and Minifigs 15mm.

Hobby tip - Buying books: to save a few quid, if I'm after a certain book, but not in a big rush, setting up a search on ebay for it, with alerts, often nabs a significantly lower priced one than new n shiny, with a bit of patience (that's the hard part....😊) ...or if you want new, always worth looking at Blackwells Oxford or abe books uk.  Selling - facebook marketplace a far better option than ebay.


I'm currently finishing another couple of battalions of 15mm Napoleonic Spanish militia by Blue Moon, which should (if I've counted correctly) bring my Napoleonic forces to a nice round 1000 figures. After that it's back to 28mm and completing my  AWI Rebels and Patriots project that I've been working on for the last few months. That lot should keep my busy until Spring, although I imagine that something else will divert my butterfly mind long before then!

sukhe_bator (Neil)

I'm with John W
Good to see the projects of more infrequent posters though...


NTM (Nigel)

Been all about 28mm Sci-fi for Kill Team most of this year.

Leman (Andy)

Interesting to see what others are up to.


What's going on? It's always 6mm Sengoku Jidai:

Hobby tip: Static grass applicators are really cool  :)

Next Project: I think it's going to be 6mm Crusades

Fat Wally

Nothing much going on for several months now as work plus commission work is priority.  My on-going project for the last two years or so is 15mm Seven Years War for Honours of War rules.  I've got a dozen battalions on the workbench for next year.  Reichsarmee and Prussian Garde.

Leman (Andy)

Looking forward to seeing those.

Fat Wally

Actually, I've just remembered, I have four or five 10mm Battle Scale half timbered buildings to paint over the festive period as a treat for my SYW. collection.   :-*