What is going on

Started by Sean Clark, December 11, 2022, 12:31:31 PM

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Sean Clark

Jimmy James

How do! Been busy few months in real life tbh so gaming and other bits and pieces of hobby have been kinda sidelined. Hoping for a quieter year, let's see...

Currently working on a couple of AK47 armies but looking with increasing interest at Square Bashing; might be kicking off a project a bit later in the year. Also Flames of War on the go (building a few armies v.e.r.y. s.l.o.w.l.y.) and I've recently picked up some lovely Dark Ages figs in 28mm and I'm looking at making a go of Dux Britanniarum.

No idea how this is all going to pan out mind :)


Leman (Andy)

Well Jimmy, I can recommend both Dux Britanniarum and Dux Bellorum. I did have an impressive 28mm early Saxon army (even though I say so myself) using 100mm base frontages, that gave the Romano-Brits a real run for their money in Dux Belloerum. I sold it to a friend before leaving the UK as he had the Romano-Brits. I am now looking at the C9th/C10th and single based figures plus movement trays for greater flexibility.

Jimmy James

Thanks Andy, that's a good vote of confidence - it's going to be a back-burner one for the moment but it's been on my mind for a while and doesn't seem to be going away, so let's see how we get on!

sukhe_bator (Neil)

More scenery for me... building up to modelling acacia trees out of wire armatures, milliput and flock covered cooker hood filter. Having finished some roads I'm now working on some desert scrub, a second Sahel village and some more smaller scenic scatter items. My first 4 bases of mounted Tuareg are rolling off the production line. Meanwhile my 2 QRF EBRs for my FFL are still in the shop. I'm still waiting on wheel sets for my 2 EBRs that were not delivered with my QRF order despite repeated prompts...


Leman (Andy)

I came across something really obvious that hadn't occured to me before. Sometimes we become completely fixated by a set of rules, or by the rules we use with a particular pair of armies, that we miss the possibility of taking something from one set of rules and applying it to another. In my case it is Neil Thomas' One Hour Wargames. The book contains force generators for a small battle (max. 6 units per side) and small scale 3x3 scenarios. The rules in the book are very basic and rarely last an hour. However this week I am going to try out the army generator and a scenario, but play the game to one of my standard rule sets and see what happens. I thought I would try it initially with Andy Callan's Italian Wars rules that come with the WoFun armies and see how it goes. I was also thinking of doing a small SYW game and comparing the Honours of War rule system with the area movement system of TSIA (using my 10cm squared mat, as TSIA only allows for one unit per square, and my SYW 10mm armies have a 10cm frontage to units). This might be a good way to play small quick games that are easily set up and dismantled.