Rules for 2023

Started by martin goddard, November 25, 2022, 12:13:50 PM

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Ben Waterhouse

Good heavens, Italian Renaissance! Gosh!... (I've been drinking Dalwhinnie)...

Ben Waterhouse

Also, as long as it's all equal or less than 5 x 3 it's all good.

Sean Clark

Quote from: Ben Waterhouse on November 25, 2022, 09:20:05 PM
Also, as long as it's all equal or less than 5 x 3 it's all good.


Colonel Kilgore

I'm very much with Sean on this.

Other than the Boer War and North-West Frontier, both of which I'd imagine characterised as an asymmetric battle, more akin to PitS or MOCB.



Of the suggestions for something new, I would be interested in Italian renaissance for sure.



Nice idea, but is PP's modus operandi production of figures and compatible rules at the same time? (Cart before the horse or is it chicken and egg - which comes first?) My favourite idea is still "add ons". e.g. Croats to add to the ECW range to create a 30 Years War range or such figures as are required to make the AWI/ECW ranges suitable for use in the various Jacobite Rebellions. Rules could then be produced, or not, at Martin's whim.


martin goddard

The invisible boers are quite popular :)

martin :)

Leman (Andy)

But I would like a really good, gridded, 4x3 or 5x3, set of Italian Renaissance rules. Currently no such rules exist. TTS ends at WotR, then takes up again at ECW, with a big fat 150 year gap. All other rules for the period are either ungridded or do not have period feel for me. Furioso come close, but there are so many variables I now find it unwieldy and difficult to keep track during a game. On top of that I have very little enthusiasm for colonial or post-1925, other than  the very niche aspect of the involvement of the European Netherlands in WWII.

I recognise that this sounds a bit whiney, but there does seem to be some interest in this period from the replies that have come back.

Sean Clark

Good shout that there is a gap in the market for Italian Renaissance in a gridded format. As something away from horse and musket/20th century this would be very attractive for me.

Stewart 46A

Further suggestions

1. Complete C&K
2. Complete PBI
3. Complete PBI Same side
4. Complete Carolingians
5. Complete Vietnam mountain tribe part 3
6. Personalities for ECW



The Great Italian Wars would be good.

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: Stewart 46A on November 26, 2022, 07:23:09 PM
Further suggestions

1. Complete C&K
2. Complete PBI
3. Complete PBI Same side
4. Complete Carolingians
5. Complete Vietnam mountain tribe part 3
6. Personalities for ECW


I like your plan, Stewart. I think #7 is some more WW1 Early War French cavalry?  :D


Sean Clark


Where is your ambition and future thinking? 😅🤣

We need to speculate to accumulate. I have around 12" of spare shelf left in my house to put figures in. Italian Renaissance would fit perfectly!


What about some Galley rules?

Either Ancient and or Renaissance.

They would fit with Pirate, C&K and the discussed Italian renaissance

Like Hamarin iron and ACW?

The other period is " Conquest of India" a Napoleonic flavour with a twist?

Colonel Kilgore

I know what you mean about remaining space, Sean!

We also forgot #4a in Stewart's list: pack of Ancient pikemen.
