Rules for 2023

Started by martin goddard, November 25, 2022, 12:13:50 PM

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Sean Clark

The rise of Germany, 1870 to 1939 was my History O level, with a stop off for the Russian revolution. Brilliant.

Smiley Miley 66

My studies of O level history was the history of churches and medicine so I opted out halfway through to do extra Art.
The years before it was the study of the industrial revolution through to WW2 which would have been fantastic for myself. I was looking forward to doing that. I have never forgiven the school for changing the criteria


Another niche, could be Conquistadors? Small high(er) tech raids etc vs Natives

Would build on the Longships/Sudan/Vietnam theme?

Could also cover the original settlers in N Amerca ie English/Indian.

Potential off shoots to the setting up of colonies around the globe?

Smoking gun

Quote from: Moggy on November 29, 2022, 06:06:49 PM
My History O level consisted of politics in the UK. Ages on Corn Laws and all sort of reforms. Was so interesting I got a C lol.   No idea how though. Maybe everyone else thought it equally boring so sympathy grades were awarded.


The above was my O level syllabus so I opted for the other subject in that time slot, technical drawing, which I thought would be marginally more interesting. I didn't do well in the exam but it has been useful.

Best wishes,
Martin Buck

Colonel Kilgore

I did the same, Martin. And equally I've found those Technical Drawing skills useful!


Leman (Andy)

Quote from: Smiley Miley 66 on November 30, 2022, 03:34:30 AM
My studies of O level history was the history of churches and medicine so I opted out halfway through to do extra Art.
The years before it was the study of the industrial revolution through to WW2 which would have been fantastic for myself. I was looking forward to doing that. I have never forgiven the school for changing the criteria
The same happened to me as a teacher, but fortunately the year after I finished teaching my last ever GCSE group. The syllabus changed from including an in-depth study of World War I Western Front, with trench warfare as the coursework, to late C20th warfare in the Middle East, in which I have no interest in or knowledge of. Didn't even consider it as history in 2009.


Ve need zee new rules bitte, Herr Martin.

Colonel Kilgore

Very nice, Richard!


martin goddard

Richard, that looks great!
All ready for the first HI game.

martin :)

Leman (Andy)

A few landsknechts really brighten up a table.

Sean Clark

It is a very colourful period. Great work Richard. Looks like you're ahead of the game on this one  ;D

John Watson

What make are the figures Richard?

Leman (Andy)

I'll have a stab at 10mm Pendraken.

Colonel Kilgore

I'd hazard a guess at Mike's Models?



Hi John,

As others have guessed, my Renaissance men are mainly Pendraken 10mm with some Old Glory .
