Rules for 2023

Started by martin goddard, November 25, 2022, 12:13:50 PM

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martin goddard

At the moment both CK and PBI are under development.
Both are about 84% done.
CK will be done first because that is a choice that has been made.
I think (?) CK done by March???  or before.

PBI 2020 will lead into PBI same side. This should be a natural progression.

End of 2023 possibly a new version of some rule set.
Therefore just for the sake of discussion.
Therefore just for the sake of discussion.
Therefore just for the sake of discussion.

WAM fantasy version of CK. Should be easy.
Version 2 of   CWB or AK. Gridded.
A new set of battle rules to cover an existing PP range.

Some wars are not potentialities.  i.e Crimean, Modern real wars (1950 ff), South American, tiny wars, napoleonic, 1812 us, Carlist , Revolution, made up wars, Zulus, opium, dahomey,11 years war, Indian mutiny, boxer rebellion  .
Some are. NWF, Boer, Italian renaissance,

martin ???

Colonel Kilgore

Sounds good, Martin.

Could I suggest a novel approach, and not start on WAM until PBI 2020 is done and dusted, and PBI SS well advanced?  :D

Gridded AK47 or CWB? Controversial...!


Leman (Andy)

Italian Renaissance - yes please!

Colonel Kilgore

And I think Martin already produced the "vanishing" Boers some time back - just needs to package them up for sale? ;)

Would Martin consider sculpting a new range of Italian Renaissance (Renaissance REDUX, perhaps)? That would be tempting...



Gridded AK47 please.


Smiley Miley 66

Please leave the Grids off CWB.
Yes tidy the rules up but leave it on an open table. Otherwise just call it Napoleon's war in Blue !
Boers or Zulu war some form of Victorian Empire war at least.

martin goddard

Thanks for the input.
Keep it coming.

martin :)

Stewart 46A

I agree with Miles, no gridds for CWB please

How about a year off and just enjoy the rules you have done?



Squarebashing 2023 

The last is 11 years old.  Just needs a refresh

Colonel Kilgore

Quote from: SimonC on November 25, 2022, 03:51:29 PM
Squarebashing 2023 

The last is 11 years old.  Just needs a refresh

Be careful what you wish for, Simon. I believe that the present C&K rewrite (which admittedly is now a fine set of rules) started off as a "minor refresh..."  ;)


John Watson

Smiley Miley 66

Yes Square bashing.
But I agree with Stewart.
Take some time off and promote, revisit and enjoy the games we have on the table.
Then maybe get some inspiration from doing that ?

Smoking gun

Please don't change AK47. It's fine how it is.

Best wishes,
Martin Buck

Sean Clark

I really enjoy grid gaming. But I do also enjoy some non grid games like AK, CWB, Washington's Army and Samurai. I'd rather attention went elsewhere because these are all great rule sets as they are.

Square Bashing is great as it is, just the one page of clarifications does me fine.

Same side PBI probably isn't my thing, but that's fine.

All 3 options for something new next year sound great! In order of preference, I'd say:

Italian Renaissance - a variant of ECW?
Boer War - something similar to Meixco?
NWF - as above

Any of the above would win my attention and money!

sukhe_bator (Neil)

I would pay good money for NWF particularly good Punjab Irregular Frontier Force in poshteens etc. and dismounted cavalry troopers for 'Butcher & Bolt' like scenarios... like PITS but with mountains!
Some of my very first 15mm's were Peter Laing, Minifigs and Mike's Models... but way back when a quarter century ago or more there were far too few interesting poses for the Regulars and no representation at all for the Piffers... some of my very first scratchbuilt scenics were a Pathan village and watchtower - sadly sold off ... :(
