Where are we?

Started by Bankinista, November 14, 2022, 01:51:15 PM

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Looking at the number of posts v. when they are posted I would guess that a lot of those posting are at work. Is this true? Who will own up to taking time out and does it matter anyway?

Bankinista (who used to work in a bank, picked up this name from fellow gamers when Sandinistas were in vogue and is now at home.)


sukhe_bator (Neil)

Generally from home but I have been known to check in occasionally on tea breaks etc... ;)

Leman (Andy)

Retired so can post any time of day.


Fully enjoying retirement and the chances it gives me to post inane comments!  :)


Ben Waterhouse

Sean Clark

I post during work hours, but feel no guilt. Its no dofferent to glancing at a newspaper back in the day, or others gossiping about a latest scandal. It doesnt impact my work and have enough browny points from 25 years of discretionary effort as the kids call it to not care anymore what anyone else thinks.

martin goddard

I do it in between spending useful hours on facebook, twitter, friends re united, twitter, telegraph, pokey eye, no lyfe, pretend pose, splatter chat, loons group, Trumpy truth, Q anon   etc. :-[

Life is so busy.

martin :)

Smoking gun

I'm retired and tend to visit the forum during the day or at bed time.

Best wishes,
Martin Buck


In breaks between work for me.

Stewart 46A

I always post from work, but as I work at home for the wife, just  don't tell her


Colonel Kilgore

Careful, Stewart, she'll have you on a charge  :)


Smiley Miley 66

I post when I am usually at home before or after work hours normally.
But as I have a week off this week, posting between getting things ready for WWW and other commitments.


Retired so any time is fine

Leman (Andy)

I'm surprised you can find time to post anything at the moment with all the work on Chateau Noggsy that is ongoing.