Viking duel

Started by Colonel Kilgore, September 24, 2022, 10:30:20 AM

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Colonel Kilgore

All this talk of Carolingians had me returning to the Viking Duel gazette from The Mill to dip my toe into the period.

I found the PP Viking figures (I didn't use the special gamette  figures for this,  as I have other plans for them) fun and easy to paint. The shields - despite using transfers - were a little trickier...

I'll write this all up for The Mill in November, but for now here are the finished figures:


Sean Clark

Very nice work Simon. You have a lovely clean style of painting that suits Martins figures perfectly.

The only question I have is why we dont see more of your lovely work!  ;D

martin goddard

Very nice Simon.  Ready for  WWW by the looks of it.

martin :)

Leman (Andy)

Colonel Kilgore

Thanks chaps, and yes - ready for WWW.

The reason you don't see more of my stuff,  Sean, is that real life sadly has an annoying habit of getting in the way. Those 4 figures are the sum total of my output for the last 4 months...

Something will clearly have to change!


Sean Clark

Yes, real life can impinge om us at the most incovieniant of times. I often find the less I paint, the less I WANT to paint. The more I paint, the MORE I want to paint. It's a funny old thing.

But those are 4 figures to be proud of for sure.

Colonel Kilgore

Very good Sean, I'm with you on the painting motivation cycles.

The other dynamic when you're not painting much is, I find, the desire to make what little you do do that much better. I haven't done highlights for years, but indulged myself on these. And they weren't event wearing uniforms - whatever was I thinking?  ;D



This is a very beautiful paint work !

Really terrific ! Nice choice of colours... I like them very much !!

Smiley Miley 66

I want to get some Vikings on top of everything else !
Very impressive Simon.

Colonel Kilgore

Thanks both. I do find the choice of colours troublesome whenever I start something new, and it can take a while to hit on an appropriate "theme", particularly for irregular troops. I'm fairly happy with these and will build on these themes when I do get around to the Viking horde.

But I may do Carolingians first - those new shields do look rather easy to paint!
