How I base for Bloody Barons

Started by Leman (Andy), May 14, 2022, 11:04:47 AM

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Leman (Andy)

The Welsh spear are now complete. They are a motley bunch with no Peter Pigs among them. The commander is an Essex figure in the front rank wearing armour from earlier in the C15th (from the Hussite range). The men with spears forward are Irregular figures. Those wearing berets were removed to bolster the continental pikes of Martin Schwartz's command. Those shouldering their spears are from the Front Rank 15mm range (which may have been acquired by QRF). The four figures making up the standards group at the back are Essex I think, wearing somewhat outdated armour which adds to the motley appearance of this unit. The photos are  the unit, a close up and player's distance.

I also dug out an old artillery crew from the 80s. I have no recollection of which company made them, but I think I got them at Northern Militaire. They originally had a gun which came with them, as well as an odd shaped base with the two barrels and a rammer. Over the years the gun has disappeared, so I replaced it with a Mike's Models bombard, which I have also had for years. The crew only needed a coat of matt varnish, and the bombard itself was very quick to paint, then the whole thing was fixed to a 50mm base and terrained.


Sean Clark

Wonderfull work Andy. Im really looking  forward to seeing your first game with these.

Colonel Kilgore

Nice job Andy.

The flags in this period really add another dimension to the figure bases.


Leman (Andy)

Only another 7 units to go, plus commanders and markers, for first St Albans. However, I am about to complete the Earl of Salisbury, Lord Clifford and a unit commanded by Lord Scrope ( who does not appear as a battle commander in any of the scenarios). I quite fancy the idea of producing an archer heavy unit of old fashioned looking Welsh. I also have a mounted Warwick command which just needs a rebase to fit with my theme of circular command bases.


Very nice work: painting, basing...

Superb !



Leman (Andy)

Two more command bases, first the Earl of Salisbury, second Lord Clifford, plus Lord Scrope's retinue. Again this is a mix of previously painted figures with newly painted Peter Pig additions. this is proving to be a very enjoyable project.


Again, this is a great work ! Painting, basing...

I particularly like the way you enhance your miniatures : the way you place them on their base, the way flags are positionned... This is great !
The work made on bases is also very nice (sand, grass, rock) : everything is well balanced.

Another thing : I also like your choice for colours : it brings light to the miniatures.

Yes ! I am fan !!  :)

Leman (Andy)

Thanks Anatoli, very much appreciated.

Leman (Andy)


The Earl of Northumberland for the St Albans scenario. Here I have used three figures from a  PP character pack, all be it labelled as Lord Hastings. This meant I had to do a tabard of the earl's coat of arms. This was a bit of a challenge with my shaky hands, so I settled for an impression at wargamer's distance, hoping that the flags would be a distraction. The other two standards/banners are carried by two unarmoured Essex pikemen from the late medieval/early renaissance range.

And here is the reason I used Hastings as Northumberland; I already had a Hastings command diorama from my first outing with Bloody Barons, so these were painted a couple of decades ago. I rebased them on a circular base and added a new PP armoured follower. The others are two older PP dismounted knights and the standard bearers are unknown fully armoured and an old Mike's Model with a head swap.

Another rebasing from early outings with Bloody Barons, this time the Earl of Warwick mounted. These are Minifigs models. I thought I might start the game with him mounted, dismounting in true Warwick mode, when it comes to handstrokes.

Colonel Kilgore

They are cracking bases, Andy - those flags are wonderful!



They are... Superb !!!!!!!!!

Brillant work !


great stuff - i wish mine looked as good.

Leman (Andy)

Thanks gents. As always it does seem a pity to have to get old for your skills to really sharpen up. Been working on Henry VI and Somerset this morning. That will complete all the command bases needed for First St Albans, then I can crack on with my final 6 unit bases (6 retinues probably sounds better in a WotR context).

Leman (Andy)

Whoohoo! the order has finally gone in to complete my WotR collection (if such a thing is possible) and also a few street barricades for WWI SB.