WAM baby

Started by martin goddard, May 08, 2022, 05:37:18 PM

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martin goddard

Maybe it would be easy to convert CK to WAM. Just add in the magic and monsters etc.
Who likes fantasy battle gaming?

martin :)


That sounds fun and interesting


Colonel Kilgore

Fantasy (of the magical kind, as opposed to the "historical fantasy" we all indulge in when we play) is not my cup of tea...


sukhe_bator (Neil)

I'm a long-time fantasy gamer (but less high fantasy and more epic with a fantasy twist...) in the heretical 25mm scale - Middle Earth with a collection of Ral Partha, Nic Lund, Grenadier and GW and proxy medieval historical figures and more recently A Song of Ice & Fire with Lion/Dragon Rampant using historical proxies. I have dabbled with The Lidless Eye (too WRG-ish), HoTT (too generic and not epic enough), had a couple of unsatisfactory (cough) GW games (too odd) and more recently (2010-12) Armies of Arcana... pretty close to what I like.
I started back in the mid to late 80's when there were not that many 15s out there and no-one did 15mm Orcs to my satisfaction. I started some human armies but moved onto Historicals since my idea of fantasy was more low-level magic anyway... I have been eyeing up your Elvish hosts as they most closely seem to match my idea of the aesthetic... I could potentially pit them against some Asiatic hordes/Mongols and some pseudo-historical ancient Chinese I have in the loft if I could face painting them all!

martin goddard

This might be an easy and quick project for 2023.
CK seems to be going well. The fantasy version should require minimal changes.

A couple of  rule ideas to be brought over from WAM are:-

1. Magical/special scenery. A bit, not a lot.
2. Turn section in which magic/monster etc acts on its own against another zone.

The overall aim is to make the armies decide the battle  but allow the above to have some minor impact.

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

Oh dear - "an easy and quick project" - I think I've heard similar words before, Martin!

Might I gently suggest that you may wish to put C&K to bed and leave it tucked up with a hot cocoa before getting everyone too excited about the project beyond PBI (which seems likely to be a big one, and that's even before we return to SSPBI...)?

Just concerned about selection and maintenance of the aim ;)


martin goddard

Good points Simon.
It will be an easy upgrade(???)
We can chat about when you visit?

martin :)

Colonel Kilgore

Indeed Martin - I will be happy to try to persuade you to continue along the straight and narrow path towards renewed domination of the WW2 15mm tabletop gaming hobby :)


Paul in NZ

If your going to do this tell me before I rebase everything for WAM :)


Quote from: martin goddard on May 08, 2022, 05:37:18 PM
Maybe it would be easy to convert CK to WAM. Just add in the magic and monsters etc.
Who likes fantasy battle gaming?

martin :)


martin goddard

Hello chaps

The basing system will not change.
This is why the RFCM basing system is the same for almost all of the rules (I have used round bases for Vietnam but that is not necessary).
ie   3x3 for foot and 3x4 for mounted.

With CK and WAM you will be able to move units from one set to the other with no change at all.  that is particularly useful for massed infantry formations.

Asses to this, the grid nature of RFCM rules does allow any base sizes to be used.

In favour of square bases is the tactile feel, the protection of the figures from protrusions(!) and the preservation of form when the bases change direction.

CK can easily become WAM. Mainly because the WAM adds active scenery which should present no conversion problem.  Secondly the monsters, magic  and heroes have their own re move phase when they interact.

I have an orc and elv army all ready for action. Used them a lot 20 years ago. I can just coax them out again and there we go.

In reality folk can use any ancient army they have and add a few monsters and others to make it a fantasy army.
I really liked to Sprague de Camp Conan books more-so than the lord of the rings ones.


martin :)

Paul in NZ

Did you ever look any further at this Martin?

martin goddard


That has been a long time.
Sorry for delay.
It is quite a simple thing for me to do, I just need to get started.

I had better not make any promises but no rsaon why we cannot get it done this year

martin :)  :-[

Colonel Kilgore

Maybe finish a few of the other rules that are in progress first, please Martin...?  8)  ;)


sukhe_bator (Neil)

A few years ago now I did tinker with DB*-esque Pseudo-Historical fantasy armies as a means of reducing my 15mm ancient and medieval lead mountain based on the Conan states of Hyboria from info gleaned from sites such as this; https://hyboria.xoth.net/gazetteer/nations.htm#:~:text=Symbol%20of%20might%20in%20the,by%20grim%20and%20unrelenting%20enemies.
