Common language US/Brit

Started by martin goddard, April 09, 2022, 04:16:59 PM

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martin goddard

As the holiday season approaches I assume that a lot of members here will be going wargaming in the USA?
(possibly not?)

Here are some notes to help players when in the USA.

Walk up game = participation game
Pick up game= A game using the rules to create the scenario. Rather than an invitation game wherein you turn up and all the stuff is done already.
Measure= inches
Convention = wargames show
Recon= Recce
Chips= Crisps
Soda= any fizzy drink
GM= the person running the game .Game master.
"El tee"= Lieutenant

Any others?

martin :)


Yes, beware. A British company had to change it's whole marketing campaign from "Faggots - big meaty balls of goodness" as it wasn't quite applicable to the US market.

martin goddard

You could do some "tailgating"  (i.e having apicnic)

martin :)

Leman (Andy)

"I've got a gun and I'm not afraid to use it!"

Probably not a good thing to say at an American wargames show.

Smoking gun

A chemical engineer friend of mine was visiting a US chemical plant and wanted to see what was happening in a large reaction vessel so he asked for a torch, the look of horror on their faces was a picture.

Best wishes,
Martin Buck