Late Medieval buildings in Jersey

Started by sukhe_bator (Neil), February 19, 2022, 09:04:58 AM

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sukhe_bator (Neil)

While people around the country were sadly losing their roofs yesterday, I was hunkered down modelling my own on some new buildings...
The distinctive vernacular architecture of C15 Jersey. A combination of grey-buff coloured granite walls, pale limestone mortar and thatch looking more like parts of Ireland or the Yorkshire Dales. They would be equally applicable in parts of rural Normandy and Brittany. Distinctive stone gable ends, interesting features on chimneys called 'witches seats' and a variety of other peculiar structures and features make this a fascinating project.
I plan to have a manorhouse/farm, barn, dovecote, church and cottages and maybe even a post mill if I can find an example from the region. The buildings are mostly based on those at Hamptonne country museum
and St Lawrence church, which has an interesting Norman saddle back tower amid later Early gothic features.
What you see are the basic foamcore and card shells after a few hours work which will be clad in styrofoam panels with scribed stone detailing. The thatch will be added in Finescale Milliput.

sukhe_bator (Neil)

The overall proportions of the church are a little skewed by the construction method but it is a passable caricature of St. Lawrence c.1460. Almost finished 'topping out' the church on Sunday after the tedious laying of strip card to recreate the stone tile roof. Only the transepts to finish off before I can start adding detail to the stone gable ends. Once gluing the additional bits is completed I can move to scribing the door, window and stone detailing, filling gaps and covering with milliput stonework where necessary...

Colonel Kilgore

It's great to see your step-by-step process, Neil. Thanks for sharing, and good luck with the rest of the topping out!


sukhe_bator (Neil)

A quick w.i.p. status check on the Jersey project... a general shot of scratchbuilt dry stone walls, manor house, barn, colombier (dovecote), medieval fields, drainage ditches, bocage, hills and cottages... all made in the last few months. The masons (i.e. me) have yet to complete the parish church which is notable by its absence. I think there will also be a post-mill at some point and some hedges and wattle fencing to keep the sheep of the hamlet's kitchen gardens.
The good folk of the St. Ouen parish militia muster under the watchful eye of their seigneur, Philippe de Carteret.


Leman (Andy)


Your buildings (and sceneries in general !) are super lovely !!

Brillant !

Colonel Kilgore

sukhe_bator (Neil)

Little to add over the summer months with other real life projects getting in the way. Figure painting is ticking over gently but i made some progress on a small chapel and some boundary stone walling and wattle fencing. St Lawrence still remains stubbornly unfinished...

Martin Smith

Quote from: sukhe_bator (Neil) on July 08, 2022, 04:13:58 PM
St Lawrence still remains stubbornly unfinished...

Gaudi had a similar problem.....🙃

sukhe_bator (Neil)

Hopefully I'll get it done in my lifetime! :o

Martin Smith

Quote from: sukhe_bator (Neil) on July 09, 2022, 07:37:59 AM
Hopefully I'll get it done in my lifetime! :o
Always good to have a deadline...(excuse the pun) 😊👍🏼

sukhe_bator (Neil)

June is developing a Medieval Jersey vibe... I'm finally getting close to completing my take on St. Lawrence church. There was a surprising amount of surfaces to scribe detail onto... and numerous gaps and corners to fill with Milliput. A couple of the larger windows will need separately modelling with their tracery and inserting...


sukhe_bator (Neil)

And a more modest Norman chapel and medieval churchyard cross... There is also a Lych gate in the pipeline and some kirkyard boundary walling


Colonel Kilgore

martin goddard

Really nice Neil.
I think you have the colour well too.
It would make a great backdrop for a whole BB game. "Sack the Abbey".

martin :)