2022 miniatures and wargaming thoughts

Started by martin goddard, January 23, 2022, 11:31:42 AM

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martin goddard

Making predictions always creates a  good chat.
Do remember that this is just a chat and not intended to upset anyone.

1. 3D printing will come on very fast. It will be slowed by the reliability/technology  of 3D printers and the associated time commitment.

2. 28mm metal figures will decline in sales if metal prices do not reduce.

3. There will be 2 new fantasy ranges that are so encapsulated(special, rules, figures, explosion templates)  that  they die within 2 years.

4. There will be a pretend new size or maybe  a move to more 32mm, 17mm, 1/90th.

5. The last of the terrain tile makers will  stop producing them.

6. Another new range of paints in Vallejo style. Bang,crash supper shader touch tone twinkle dip.

7.STL files become more commonly sold.

8. 3 more rulebooks in hard cover printed in China.  1 as a special golden thumb collectable (2 year life span).

9. 1 new MDF maker. Buildings and bases.

10. Inappropriate badging for some wargame accessories. A T-shirt with SS slogan, temporary tattoo of space marine insignia, sunglasses to be worn indoors with prominent "killa zombie" slogan.

11. 2 new sets of game rules that copy existing ones . Worrharmer and DBmyoriginalidea.

12. Decline in foam figure trays.

13. Still very little use of computers in games. Remember the device that digitally shows the outcome of 2 or 3 D6 rolls?

14. More rules that pretend 23 figures are the DAK or Army group south.

15. Some strange "why" retro idea such as paper soldiers, flats, cylinder soldiers, cards with plan views of soldiers.

16. Shows re-launching very successfully and some show disappearing.

17. Clubs moving more away from historical gaming.

18. A new wargames discussion site.

Add yours.

martin :)


(Often, regrettably on this occasion) Martin seems to be spot on. I'd add:

. Growth in the average age of wargamers. Where is the new blood?
. I would eliminate "pretend new size" and go for "honest statements". c.f. 25mm and 28mm



 can see someone coming into the market with a range of "pre-printed" (injection moulded in different colours) miniatures probably in 28 or 57mm for use. Possibly pre based. Some poeple just dont enjoy the painting side of thing at all.

Maybe we could also see in increased in post-apocaliptic gaming as in post pandemic. This may be a bit too raw for some right now but its possible for sometime over the next few years.  A bit like Ak47 with the remnants of forces left over with patched up modern equipment fighting alongside whatever "crazies and cultists" can be found.



Army Painter are due to release their version of Contrast Paints.......

martin goddard

I suspect ( I don't know) that there are only about 5 paint manufacturers but lots of different labels using their manufacturing?

Maybe some "labels" will go or have gone.
In my paint box I have
Coat d arms
Formula P3
Howard hues
Colour party

The list goes on.

20+ factories. I doubt it??  Unless making paints is really easy?

martin ???

Lluis of Minairons

Quote from: martin goddard on January 23, 2022, 11:31:42 AM
4. There will be a pretend new size or maybe  a move to more 32mm, 17mm, 1/90th.

Well, 32mm as a miniature size does exist from a long since now - remember the memorable LOTR products from Mithril (BTW, do Prince August still exist? I hope yes)

Lluis of Minairons

As for what I can attest, Vallejo factory does exist indeed - it lies around ten miles from home :)
And they do manufacture their paints; as a matter of fact, their ranges expand into home and professional products too, so that Vallejo brand itself is in fact a mere division of their whole industry.
I can't remember now their parent brand's name, but curiously enough Vallejo is actually the owner family's surname; what makes me think that Vallejo brand is their actual flagship (in terms of prestige and self-esteem at least, if likely not in terms of sales).

Quote from: martin goddard on January 23, 2022, 05:50:52 PM
I suspect ( I don't know) that there are only about 5 paint manufacturers but lots of different labels using their manufacturing?

Maybe some "labels" will go or have gone.
In my paint box I have
Coat d arms
Formula P3
Howard hues
Colour party

The list goes on.

20+ factories. I doubt it??  Unless making paints is really easy?

martin ???

sukhe_bator (Neil)

I think the age divide will increase. I could not get my young'uns more than casually interested in the hobby. Why go to all the trouble of world and army building when there are far quicker more accessible virtual versions? I find myself enviously looking at the world-building in The Witcher, Legend of El Cid etc. and thinking how can I translate THAT onto the table. I'm hooked on World of Warships atm. I've sunk hours into gameplay but I'd not consider for one moment investing time and effort converting to miniatures. I prefer less proscriptive games where you don't have to follow a specific path or plotline...

Only those who like to create their own worlds and exercise their own imagination rather than adventure in someone else's head will continue to be interested in modelling/gaming, I suppose. The trick is to capture them and lure them to the true scale from the host of other options out there.

As to paints I'll stick to my artists' acrylics and inks. I like tinkering with the colour wheel rather than looking through a pantone chart full of shades...


Prince August seem to still exist:


I have not used this supplier and so cannot comment further. For those not in the know Prince August 25s are 25 not 28. Do not be mislead as to the need for Prince August metal. I used offcuts/flash from other figures, old figures etc. I even have have "Regiment Beaujolais " whose origins are obvious!


sukhe_bator (Neil)

That's an interesting and Optimistic appraisal, Julian.
As a chronically shy and long term lurker not used to venturing out of his bunker, I have not encountered evidence of the new gaming phenomenon out there...
Perhaps once they graduate from GW boot camp they will venture into different aspects of this thoroughly absorbing and diverse hobby!

pbeccas (Paul)

Warlord Games will release a mass battle ancients game in "Epic" scale.  Everyone will go crazy and buy it.  No one will actually end up painting the 5000 figures in the box. 


Yep, can see that one happening. But people like me will grab the sprues of figures cheap from EBAY, split them up and re-use for other games as this is frequently cheaper than buying whole armies of metal.


martin goddard

Good one Paul.
Just for guess' sake I think their next one will be ECW.
Same figures for both sides.

There is always someone out there who will encourage Warlord to do some unpopular period but one that they want to do. Hence, it is a "great idea" to do it.  e.g. balkan wars ,  Greek civil war, 1982 Falklands, Jacobite rebellion, Monmouth rebellion, Jewish revolt (Masada model too).

martin :)


Having seen the superb quality of PP ECW and 18th century maybe the "next big thing" for Martin would be a range called "The fall of the House of Stuart" covering 1685-1745......

John Watson

On the theme of where are all the young wargamers going, I would offer the answer of board gaming. It seems to be on a massive upswing at the moment and from my experience it is the age group of late teens to forty. The types that enjoy friendly but competitive games but don't have the time for all the research or preparation for war-games. Some will come over to figures later on, no doubt, once their lifestyle permits, others will stick with the cardboard.